chapter 1 how it all began

Start from the beginning

“S since you are here now what did you want to ask me that was so important , I’ve got better things to do than just to wait around for your lazy ass” I told him

“Oh yeah what would those things be ” he asked with a slight smirk on his face the stoning incident was forgotten now and I was getting more frustrated

“Let me think” tapped my index finger and pretended to think “that would be NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS !” I snapped

“are you going to tell me or not ” I asked him calmly now I hated when my emotions got the better of me and right now that was exactly what was happening so I put my calm demeanour on . I was lost in my own thoughts wand when I looked at him he was staring at me with an unreadable expression and just stood there still staring. I tried to wait patiently but that was it what was with  this guy so I quickly spun on my heel and walked away from him.

It took a few seconds before he realised that I just walked away from him , the most popular guy in college yeah right.  HE was Evan Chambers considered to be a to die for hunk by the brainless bimbos here. He was the Football Captain, student body president and voted the most hot & wanted guy by the whole student body shallow I know and also filthy rich (his parents being multimillionaire CEO of  Chambers and co  , but along with this he also happens to be not exactly a good person or rather a jerk . He is cocky , just because his family owns most of the campus he has to rub in it everyone’s faces , his ego is huge I’m really astonished every single day how his head manages not to blow ( no pun intended) .

Still besides all this my reason for hating me is entirely different he is a total bully , I get it that you get to show off when your rich but to intentionally hurt people in the process well that is just  low on so many levels , and that is what he does beat up nerds and geeks in other words people who actually care about their future . I was also one of his many victims but unlike others I didn’t give in I had more important things to deal with then those thugs. So with resisting him I had made an enemy and we absolutely hated each other now . I can’t even stand him but tonight was a special circumstance , funny how life just keeps on pushing me again and again…

I was yanked away from my train of thought by a strong pull on my arm and I stumbled slightly realising who did this to me , I spun around so now I faced him clenching my jaw and hissed at him

“Don’t you dare touch ”  and pulled my arm quickly from his grasp like it had just burned . I could practically see the hate in his eyes and knew that mine mirrored a similar image.

Taking a few  steps away form me he began finally speak ‘Ohh his graciousness finally decided to bless me with his explanation ’ he snarled at me . Did I just say my thoughts out loud again? Judging from his face I think I did well then ‘Oops ’ I smirked .

“Will you let me talk now ” he growled making his fists  into  tight balls making his tendons on his arms stand out . I gulped I clearly did not want to be on the other end of those fists so I just shut up, taking the my silence as a hint he continued

“I’m going to need your services this weekend ” clearly taking me off guards he smirked , oh no he did not just win that one

“Well as much as I don’t want to help you out the answer is NO!” I smiled at my accomplishment so how did he like it now . He stood there dumbfounded until something clicked in his mind and he added

“Well how about I pay triple the usual rate ” wow now that was unexpected ‘One : how the heck did he know my usual rate! Two: He just said that he’d pay me three hundred dollars and finally four : I needed the money’ but still that did not still change the fact that he was a complete ass hole not to mention conceited and I hated him.

“Apparently your money is basically ‘blood money’ No Thank You ” I told him and sprinted away from him before  he could catch me again.


I stood in my dorm room which for a dorm room was quite large and could be passed as a apartment with two bedrooms , a living area , a small kitchen and a bathroom . I couldn’t help but be grateful at my scholarship for being able to afford this otherwise I was almost completely broke . But right now that was not what was bothering me , my mind was still making sense to what Evan wanted and how HE!! Came to know about me??  guess I’ll never know still the look on his face was priceless , looking at me like I was an alien as a I sprinted away from him.

I don’t know how long I stood there before my cell rang and I reached in my back pocket and answered it .It was my boss from work at the auto shop apparently there was some sort of problem and everyone else was busy so I had to fill in. Perks of not having a social life which I was completely content  for now.

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