Pack Your Things And Get Out

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Summer break. Three months off from school to do whatever my little heart desires . Or, nothing at all because I'm broke and all my friends already have plans. Although, staying in bed all day browsing through all my social media accounts and watching movies and TV shows on putlocker - because Netflix is too damn expensive for my broke ass - doesn't sound too bad.

All my friends are going on trips, or their families have events planned out for them for these next few months. My family on the other hand, they don't plan much, or do much.

"Go hang out with your friends" my mom suggests as she smiles at a post she reads on Facebook.

"They're all busy, or in different countries" I sigh as I walk around the kitchen.

"Alex, sweetie, you're 17--"

"What's your point!? Just because I'm 17 doesn't mean I can't be bored!"

"I'm not saying that. I'm saying you're old enough to make your own plans and do your own things!" She smiles at me. "Go be a teenager."

"Okay, did you not hear me? All my friends are busy, or out of the country. Plus, I don't have any money. You need money to do everything now a days" I cross my arms and let out a huff like my six year old cousin does when she can't have ice cream for dinner.

She shakes her head before looking back down at her phone scrolling through Facebook, again.

Of course..



One week later..

"Alex!" My mom calls from downstairs.

My head pokes out from under the covers. I've been laying in bed for what feels like years..


"Humans?" I rise an eyebrow before throwing the blanket off my body and running down the stairs like a caveman- or, women.

I stare at my parents as if I've never seen another person before.

I'm trying to get a point across here.

"Ha" my father rolls his eyes before he crosses his arms over his chest, "We get it, you're bored, you've been alone in your room all week."

"What. Are. These. Words. You. Are. Speaking?" I say slowly while scratching my head.

"Shut up and sit down" he chuckles.

"We have a solution for your boredom!" my mom smiles.

"Are we going on a trip?" I ask.

"Well," my dad and mom look at each other. "You are."

"REALLY?" I smile. "Where? LA? Pairs? OH, Miami? Canada? That would be co-"

"No no, not that kind of trip" he laughs. "We signed you up for camp!"

I stare at them blankly.

"Listen, mom, dad, I don't do camp." I lean back in my chair feeling disappointed.

I really just wanted to get out of here, have some fun, go swimming, socialize... I know what you're thinking.

"You can do all that at camp dumbass."

True, rude, but true. Although, at camp, some annoying as, preppy 18 year old is gonna boss me around like I'm some five year old when in reality, I'm only a year younger.

I hate authority.

"Alex!" My dad snaps his finger in front of my face. "You don't have to go love, but--"

"Alexandra Daniel, that's enough!" my mom shakes her head. "Go pack your things. Your father is gonna drive you and drop you off at camp over the- the--"

"Hill. Over the hill" my dad helps her out.

"Right! Camp Over The Hill the day after tomorrow!" my mother waves her hand in front of my face. "No more laying around in bed all day on Facebook."

"Hey, I don't even have a Facebook!"

"Why are you wasting your time talking to me when you should be packing!" She snaps.

"I hate this house!1!1" I yell like every annoying brat in those Disney movies. "And I hate you guys too!"

"We hate you too, go pack" my dad waves me off as well.

Well damn, I'm going to camp!



Important A/N !!

New story!


Calm down y'all. Next chapter, I swear. I want this book to be focused on humour. I'm not the funniest chick around town (I can't believe I just said that) but ima try. Also, I love wrestling, but I suck at writing storylines so I thought I would try writing an AU. Hope y'all enjoy!

Also here are some other side notes.

- there will be wwe characters in this story but they'll have different ages.
- no this will not be like the wwe camp show on the network lmao (although that is funny.)
- Seth will also play a main character roll in this ;)
- KEEP IN MIND AGAIN THIS IS AN AU (Alternate universe) AND ITS JUST FOR FUN. It's not supposed to be serious plz don't take fanfics so seriously I personally write this stuff for fun. Okay? Okay.
- Alex can be whoever you'd like. If I come across somebody I'd like to play as her I'll let y'all know but as for now she's whoever you imagine <3

I hope you guys enjoy whatever this ends up being LOLLL.

- zoya : ))

Camp Over The Hill - Dean Ambrose (AU)Where stories live. Discover now