Chapter 20 > currently editing

Start from the beginning

"No." I said, as she told me that if I did it again she will give me a detention.

"Anyways who is my partner now??" I asked, as she looked around the classroom looking for a single student.

"Hmm, oh! There's Collin, your his partner for now." She grins.

I groaned, as my eyes grew bigger.

I glanced over his way, I saw him giving me this uncomfortable smirk, with his crooked teeth showing, seemed like his teeth was throwing west side signs.

"Why him!!" I groaned, as she glared at me.

"Well next time, maybe ask to go to the bathroom!" She says getting angrier as I rolled my eyes.

"I did-"

"No, no buts just go be his partner, Collin is a good student." She says, throwing a smile as I rolled my eyes again walking over to his desk.

I slouched lazily on the chair next to him.

Collin Sanders was one of those weird kids, who liked doing things by himself. He looked acting immature, and mostly like an animal.

Like an actual animal. One time he hissed at me for picking up his pencil for him.

An actual snake hiss! Another time a girl tried to help him with his work, he did a fucking dog bark!

See how weird that is?? And I even heard that he has a major crush on me, he always tried to pull my shirt down once when I had only my braw under.

He even asked me if I wanted him to rub my feet with his 'magical' lotion he had.

As I took the seat next to him, he started to do these dog sniff.

All I did was furrow my eyebrows, really confused and creeped out.

"You smell good." He winks, wiggling his tounge closer to me.

I wish I smelt like shit right now so he wouldn't get closer to me.

I gulped, "Thanks...Collin." I said with a forcing smile.

He was a white boy with dirty blonde hair that looked like he hasn't take shower in days.

"Do I smell good?" He smirks, showing his crooked teeth again.

All I did was looked away, cringing, making sure he didn't see me.

I looked back, a fake grin plastered onto my face.

"Um, yeah!" I said throwing a cheesy smile as he snickered.

"Yeah right, I stink like shit you pussy!" He snickers, letting out snorts, as I gasped.

What the fuck

"Your gross." I said with a disgusted look, as he was still chuckling making me back my chair up with a look of horror on my face.

"What's wrong Collin, is she making you horny??" Calum blurts out, out of no where, as my eyes grew bigger turning around to see Calum.

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