Chapter 2

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I got onto the bus and go back to my seat to find the boy again. He was looking out the window as I sat next to him. We didn't say anything to each other. We just sat there. I looked at my phone as he continued to look out the window. I made sure I covered up the bruise on my face before coming to school.

The bus stops at school and I sit there waiting for everyone because I forgot the boy was next to me. "Aren't you going to go?" He asks.

"Yeah. When everyone is off. I can't leave with them."

"God! Come on." He grabs my hand and pulls me off the bus with people whispering behind us. I shake my hand away from his.

"Are you new here?" I ask as I get into my locker. He stands next to my locker.

"I started school yesterday."

"Oh, so you don't know the rules?"

"I don't follow the rules made by students."

"I would because one of them is staying away from me."

"Why would I want to stay away from you?"

"Because I'm fat, ugly, stupid, a loser, a loner. I can't be your friend because it would just ruin your high school life."

"So? We are both losers and loners."

"We don't even knew each other's names."

"I'm Tyler." He stretches his hand out.

"Bye, Tyler." I walk away to my classroom. I am glad he isn't in any of my classes.

Or so I thought. Once I got to lunch I just went to my table in the corner with nothing except water. "There you are. Now you can't just ask for my name and not give yours." Tyler says, sitting across from me with his tray of food. "Now what's your name?"

"Hey, Scar! Are you paying him to eat with you?" Layla mocks.

"Your name is Scar?"

"Scarlett. But around here, I'm Scar. Everyone calls me that."

"I like the name Scarlett. It suits you."

"Why? Because I'm a Scar?" I ask, looking down at my phone.

"No because it's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I laugh coldly at his joke but then I look up at his face. Completely serious.

"I know you are lying. I'm ugly." I stand up and throw away my water bottle.

As I went to fifth period, Layla and her squad stopped me. "Hey, Scar. Why don't you stick with the girls and leave the boys alone?"


"We saw you with that boy at lunch. Leave him alone! There are plenty of girls here! But then again no one wants to date your fat, ugly ass! No one would want to wake up next to your ugly face!"

"I know! God! I know I'm ugly! I know I'm fat! Just leave me alone! No one loves me! No one likes me!" Instead of going to class, I run out of school. I leave my backpack but I have my binder and books.

I go into a back alley where no one will see me, hopefully. I don't care if I get stabbed and I'm sure no one else would care. The only person that's in my life is my dad. My mom is dead. All my grandparents are dead. My mom's sister lives in a different country and she doesn't know about my dad abusing me. But she's the only other person in my family.

I wish I could live with her in Africa. She lives there because it has to do with her job.

I sit down beside the dumpster and let the tears fall. I just want to die. No one wants me here. Everyone knows I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm stupid. I'm far from perfect.

I want to die. No one would miss me. No one would even know I was gone.

I find myself asleep before I knew it.

I wake up to find it still dark. I grab my phone but to find it dead. "Great." I mutter. "Absolutely great." I stand up and grab my school stuff. I decide to just go home. I don't care what happens. Maybe he'll beat me to death.

I find all the lights still off which means he is still asleep. I change and get back in bed.

As the sun comes in through my window, I groan because it's right in my eyes. I look at my clock for it to read 11:30 am. Not going to school. I get up and go downstairs. Prepared for Dad to hit me. "Where the hell have you been?!"


"What did you say to me?! I've spent 16 years caring for you! I've put a roof over your head! I even give you food! You shouldn't even have any because you are fat enough! I did all of this after your own mother left!"

"Mom died! She didn't just pack up and leave! She died!"

"Do NOT yell at me!" He backhands me and shoves me. I hit the side of my head on the coffee table. "Now get out of my face!" I run upstairs to the bathroom. I have tears streaming down my face as I look into the mirror. I have a cut beside my right eye.

I grab a band aid and put it over the cut. I take some Tylenol to make the pain go away.

The bruise from yesterday is visible as is the new one that is on the opposite cheek so now it looks like I put blush on horribly. I'm sure no one is going to make fun of me. Note the sarcasm.

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