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Entering the office, I can't help but feel small. This office is ginormous! Nothing compared to the interview room. Taking a quick glance, this room screams money and brands I could never afford.

"Take a seat."

The familiar deep, commanding voice has me frowning, focusing my eyes on the back of the expensive office chair. I know the owner of that voice.

And when he turns around, my lips part. I look at him dumbfounded.

"Take a seat."

"What?" I mumble, panicking. "Am I in the right office, Mr. Woods? Ay, Dios mío. [Oh, my god]. Excuse me." I turn around to leave, but he grasps my wrist gently. "Or do you know how to get to Mr. Dunkle's office?"

"You are." With a blank face, he lets go of my wrist. "I'm Dre Dunkle."

I frown. Hold up. What? Then I realize I have been played. Oooh, he's so dead.

"Are you sure?" I let out a humorless laugh. "If I'm not mistaken, last time you claimed to be Vincent Woods." I grit out his fake name.

"I am introducing myself as Dre Dunkle now, aren't I?" He sits down, interlacing his fingers in front of him.

Hijo de...! I inhale quickly, pinching the bridge of my nose. Okay, breathe in, breathe out. Cuenta del uno al diez [Count from one to ten].

"I don't appreciate your dishonesty, Mr. Dunkle." I start, quietly. "But thank you. Thank you for at least giving me the job. It won't be necessary anymore. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Have a nice life." Turning around, I walk to the door, ready to leave this place.

"You'll do no such thing, Andrea." The confidence in his voice makes my hand freeze on the door handle.

Oh, he really wants to test my patience.

"And why's that?" I ask angrily, still facing the door.

"I can ruin you with a snap of my fingers."

I turn back around to look him straight in the eye. "Go ahead." I say boldly. "Do your worse. I have been through so much worse than what you may be planning to do. And look at me. I'm still standing. And I will remain standing."

His poker face remains. Not once frowning or lowering his eyes or something . They're just set on me. Watching my every move. Like a predator watching his prey. My eyes widen. I'm his prey. I turn back around to open the door trying to leave. The door's locked.

What the heck? How's it locked? I'm not going crazy! It wasn't locked!

"I'll take your siblings away from you."

I freeze. 

"You can't do that." I whisper, hurt. Tears begin to form, but I try really hard to blink them away. I can't show him any weakness.

"I can. I will if necessary."

Pressing my lips together, I turn around to look at him once again.

"I assure you blackmailing me is not the solution."

"On the contrary, blackmail always seems to be the solution," he stands up. "You'll be working for me."

"You can get in deep trouble. I will go to the police." Sheriff McCarthy will be able to help me. I know he will.

"Do as you please," he goes to the front of his desk, leaning against it with crossed arms. "You have no idea what people are capable of for a significant amount of money."

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