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"ISLA!" A HAND shot up in the common room, waving energetically. I glanced over, curiosity piqued.

It was only Aubrey, curled up on the already worn-down sofa with Mary-Ann and Nora beside her. "We're gonna have a Nicholas Sparks marathon, any interest?" she suggested.

The next day most of the girls were out and about, doing whatever suited them best. It was just Aubrey, Mary-Ann and Nora who had decided they didn't want to go and explore (as they said distractedly, "We'll just do it tomorrow") but instead stay in the common room and chill.

"No thanks, I'm good" I answered, lacing up my boots.

"We're starting with the Notebook" Aubrey wheedled. "Closely followed by the Lucky One – still no interest?"

I shook my head apologetically.

"Are you going somewhere, Isla?" Mary-Ann questioned, eyes flickering to my jacket and boot-tying regime.

"Maybe" I shrugged, trying to act all nonchalant and cool. But then again, nonchalant and cool had never really suited me and Aubrey's eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

"With Dane?" she guessed.

"Um ... no?"

"Who, then? Did you meet someone at the fair yesterday?" she said, perking up. The pillow she'd been clutching to her chest with anticipation slid to the floor as she sat upright, scrutinising me like I had something to hide (which I guess I kind of did).

"Not really, no" I replied, flatly.

"Isla ... who are you going to meet?" Suddenly, her eyes sparked with remembrance. "Wait! I know – it's that guy from the diner, the one you have history with but decline to tell me about!"

"It's not!" I blurted but the tell-tale blush was already forming.

"She's blushing" Mary-Ann stated, somewhat triumphantly.

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Look, I'm just going for a wander, okay?" I rose to my feet, brushing off my bare legs. "It's not my fault you guys are lazy and don't want to come."

"We're not lazy!" Mary-Ann cried at the same time as Aubrey exclaimed, "You said you'd have joined us if you didn't have to do something!"

True, this movie marathon did sound tempting. I was never one to pass up a good afternoon relaxing and enjoying some other girls' company while hot guys occupied our TV screen. But Jared was counting on me meeting him at the bus stop in ten minutes – he'd asked specifically, and I didn't want to let him down now.

"I'll see you guys later" I said, approaching the front door.

"Do you have your key?" Aubrey called after me.


"Good. Don't be doing anything I wouldn't do!"

I scoffed and exited, shutting the door on the girly day behind me and set off in the direction of the bus stop Jared had located for me to meet him at. Although I assumed we were going to be walking around on foot it was just the easiest place to meet.

As I walked, I really wished I hadn't skipped breakfast to get ready. I mean, for one thing, I'd slept in past my alarm which meant I had to fight some girls for a shower cubicle and then rush to get ready for the day.

It was a sweltering morning outside so I'd settled on a pair of cut-off shorts and a shirt saying 'Aliens matter too' on it in bold letters. It was an old one of Xavier's which meant it was baggy and loose which was a bonus because it meant it wouldn't cling to me if I sweated a lot in the heat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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