the aftermath

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Vik watched Autumn run out the door. He dropped his controller, left the house and started chasing after her.

"AUTUMN!" Vik says, while getting closer to her.

Autumn stopped at the end of the sidewalk.

Vik grabbed her arm firmly.

"Why are you doing this?" Vik says, in a firm voice.

Autumn tries to get his hand off her arm and keep walking, but he was too strong.

"Leave me alone" She says, tugging her arm away.

"No" Vik says, in a firm tone.

"Please." Autumn says trying not to break into tears. His grip became weaker the longer he was talking to her.

Vik lets go of her arm. Expecting Autumn to run off, but she was too tired. Tired of everything.

"What happened?" Vik says, walking next to her at the same pace.

"I.. well um" She couldn't get the words out of her mouth. She only knew Vik for a few days, so she wasn't exactly super comfortable talking to him.

"It's fine Autumn tell me" he stopped walking, and looked at her.

"Maybe we should sit down somewhere." Autumn says, in her shaky voice.

There was a bench close to them.

Vik sat down on a bench and she sat down next to him.

"He's going to find out anyway, so just tell him" A voice in Autumn's head kept telling her.

"He kissed me" Autumn said talking really fast.

Vik gasped.

"I didn't want anything to happen, because when I leave I'll just miss him too much" She says wiping the one tear from her left eye.

"I wanna go back to the hotel" Autumn says looking at her feet.

"I can drive you" Vik says offering, and grabbing his keys out of his pocket.

"I think I'll walk" Autumn says getting up.

Vik gets up and grabs her arm, "okay let me..." She interrupts him.
"Vik, I'm fine. Thank you."
Vik lets go of her arm, and Autumn walks off.

Autumn opened up the door, and softly lay down on the bed. She started to wish she never came. She wished she never met any of the guys. She just wanted to go home. Or at least stay in the hotel for the rest of the time.

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