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"Mum." Niall grunted into the phone. "Yes mum. I am all settled in. Yes. No. I am not high." He tapped his foot as he grew impatient, he needed to leave. He didn't want to be late or else they wouldn't let him join.

He looked around the dorm room,  as Maura continued on with her day. She had a lovely conversation with their neighbor down the street about college and underage drinking. As interesting as the conversation was, he wanted to light himself on fire.It hadn't been a week since he arrived and he had already had twelve phone calls with his mother and butt heads with his roommate. It seemed his new roomie was quite the Harry Potter nerd, with Hufflepuff paraphernalia streamed all across his side of the room. Niall groaned, he was a Gryffindor and this was going to drive him crazy.

His mum asked when he'd return to Ireland to visit.

"I dunno! Maybe around Christmas time? How the bloody hell am I supposed to know?" Soon his ear began to hurt as his mother began screeching. " I am very sorry mum. I know. Yes, I will find out."

"I love you too. I know, no fraternities." He hung up and took one last look in the mirror.

"Damn, Horan. You're looking good. If the ladies don't throw themselves at you, ah who am I kidding, they will. They always do." He flexed his bicep in the mirror. He had been going to the gym lately and it was starting to pay off. 

"Oh shit, the meeting!" Niall shoved his phone in his pocket and said a silent prayer that just maybe he wouldn't have to be in this room for much longer. Then he ran towards Alpha Delta Phi.

. . . . 

"I am Reg, I run this bitch." The leader looked across the sea of fresh meat. Where Niall Horan, was sitting. He was one of the many who hoped to join the brotherhood, despite his mother's protest. It was college and he wanted to have fun. And this was the way to do it. You'd have brothers for life, and Greg wasn't his first choice.

"There is 25 of you and only 10 will join our brotherhood. And only 1 will be selected for the elite. If you think this is going to be easy, get your shit and get out. Initiation isn't something you can piss your way through. Good luck. And welcome to Alpha Delta Phi, shitheads."

Hoots and holler echoed across the large room filled with TVs. Everyone was dressed in what the house called "casual attire." Which not only included Hawaiian floral print shirts but khaki cargo shorts, topped off with puka shell necklaces.

Reggie came back up to the podium, "Oh yes. The only way you'll be recognized as a brother is, find a virgin and take her virginity. And it must be done by the welcoming ceremony in two month. The board of Alpha will determine if you are welcomed. But tonight, we drink!"

Niall smirked to himself. This was going to be fun.

. . .

"Name?" A girl in a navy blueish polo asked me. I was jet lagged as hell. My flight from Seattle to New York was fine until the kangaroo kid behind me decided to warm up his legs.

I blinked, "Uh Kit Grey."

The girl moved around some files, I looked around at all the new students. A giant banner was above me, and in big black letters it stated; Welcome to Hamilton College, New Students! Parents were hugging their children and crying. Promises of not drinking or partying filled the air, just like crickets on a summer night.

"Ah! Found you." The girl smiled as she held a paper. "You'll be in the Carlton Hall dorms. Third floor and room 137. Do you need someone to show you around?" She extended my paper to me.

"Uh no. This should be fine. Thanks." I muttered as I wheeled my suitcase over to the quad.

Everyone was explaining in great detail why they were so stoked about being here at college, here in New York. Gag.

I looked down at my paper at the map. My mind was clearly still on Summer break. I felt like I couldn't function.

I stood in the middle of the quad for nearly twenty minutes, confused as hell. "Need help?" A voice asked.

"This place is like a damn maze. And I can't seem to get away from all the rich boys and girls with their daddy's money-" I broke off as my eyes looked into a pair of delicious brown ones. I was speechless. I was standing in front of a god. With his blonde hair and jaw line, it made me wonder what else he had to offer. Wink wink.

Oh why hello lady boner.

He chuckled, "You're funny. I'm Archer Philips."

"Kit Grey." I instantly felt gross in my feet v-neck, ripped jeans, and ratty, off white Chuck Taylor's compared to his dress shirt and pants.

He looked at my paper, "Carlton Hall? Sick! You're staying at my old hall."

"Nice." I nodded. "So not a freshman?"

He shook his head, "Not a freshman. Senior, actually. I live off campus."

"I am jealous." We started walking off.

"So where are you from?"

"Idaho." I returned.

"Gross." He smirked. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Without Idaho, you wouldn't have potatoes." How much more cliche can I get? I sound like a postcard.

"That's true. I am forever indebted to you, Kit. So do you already miss everyone?"

"Glad to be gone."

"Fair enough." He shrugs.

We entered through a door and into the cramped elevator. Everyone was talking about what their high school was like. Then by the time we got to the third floor, the crowd had died down. The dorm halls weren't as bad as the quad anymore. There was a few parents struggling to leave.

"Bam. Room 137." I used my key card and opened the door. My roommate whirled her blonde head around. She was making her bed. The boxes my parents sent were on my bed.

"Well, this was fun. See ya round, Kit." Archer winked as he walked out. And his butt did look might fine.

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