Chapter Forty-Three

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I woke up Friday morning and felt sick.

"Mom?" I call from my bed, not feeling like getting up.

No answer.

"Mom?" I say again. When I realize that she isn't coming upstairs, I get up by myself. I go downstairs, feeling like I'm going to puke. I see her in the kitchen, standing by the coffee machine.

"Hey, why are you up? You still have another thirty minutes." She tells me.

"I know, I just didn't feel good." She comes over to me and puts her hand against my forehead.

"Oh man, you're burning up. I think it may be a fever. Is there anyone at school who was sick?"

"No, I don't think so." I answer.

"Hm." She says, grabbing a washcloth from the drawer in the kitchen. She hands it to me and says, "Go put some cold water on it, then lay it on your head. Go back to bed, I'll call the school for you."

I only nod, take the towel, and go back upstairs to the bathroom. I notice that I'm sweating and that i don't look good at all. Yesterday, I felt fine. Now, I don't even know.

Did I get sick from Mike?

Last weekend, he didn't look too good either. Maybe that's what happened.

I lay back in bed, turn on my phone, and scroll through Instagram. Nothing exciting was really happening and no one was posting anything new. I closed that application and turned on Netflix, deciding to watch one of my favorite movies, Mean Girls. Around an hour and forty minutes later, the movie ended. I was still laying down and I still felt awful. I looked at the time.


I groaned and laid my head down on the pillow.

I wish I still lived in Berkeley. I wish I wasn't sick. I wish I could just leave. I wish that Billie would show up at the door, take me away from my mom, take me back to Berkeley, and then we would just live in the house. Me, Billie, Jakob, and Joey. Tre would visit almost everyday, Mike would bring his wife and his kid, Brixton, over and we'd just be happy. I wouldn't have to worry about anything.

I woke up and panicked.

Why wasn't I at school?!

That's when I remembered that I was sick. I mentally face-palmed and sighed. I did feel a little better. Did I fall asleep?

I looked at my phone.


I laughed a little at the significance of the time. Just one day off from 4-20, I thought. I got up, deciding to take a shower. I really wasted the day. Seriously. I fell asleep around 8:40 and woke up at 4:21.

As I waited for the water to warm up, I heard footsteps coming closer to my room. I opened the door to the built-in bathroom and looked in my room. No one was there.

The footsteps even stopped.

I shrugged to myself and went back to the shower.

That's when I heard it again.

I quickly opened the door and looked into my room.

The door was slightly open. It wasn't like that before.

To be honest, I started getting a little scared. I haven't heard from my mom since I got up, maybe something happened to her?

I quickly started panicking, my breathing becoming irregular.

Calm down, calm down.

I fell onto the ground and started crying. I couldn't stop. I felt like I was high, high on a unknown substance. I felt so high that I couldn't stand up. Everything was blurry, I felt dizzy. I couldn't stop shaking, I felt like I was dying.

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