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She was not an elf. That much was certain, yet her face was exquisite. It was as if the Valars themself had shaped her face . A few loose strands from her braid stuck to her wet cheek , creating a picture of utmost innocence. Her shoulders..STOP IT ! I mentally chided myself. She was injured and here I was , staring at her face doing nothing useful. I put my hand on her heart and let my spirit flow. It was a form of healing , the Head Healer of Rivandell had taught me . "First you need to know the injuries before treating them ." 

            To my great surprise I soon realised that she did not have any major injuries. She hadn't swallowed too much water, which was surprising considering the strength of the current of the river. Just a few cuts and bruises and unconsciousness. There must have been something really remarkable about her for the river-spirits having favoured her so. I took some katalin herbs and crushed them in my fist before holding them to her nose. In a few seconds she groaned and her eyelids parted slightly , before closing once again as they adjusted to the sudden light. Slowly they opened once again, to reveal stunning pure hazel eyes.


A sweet odour came to my nose. It prodded and coaxed me out of my slumber. Suddenly I was hit with the pain in my limbs. It was more of soreness but hurt like it would to some old hag with arthritis. I realized that I was soaking wet and cold. I groaned and opened my eyes. A sudden burst of light  forced me to shut them again . Slowly I opened my eyes allowing my pupils to adjust to the brightness. I stifled a gasp. There was an absolutely ethereal creature sitting in front of me. I was tongue tied . Then all of a sudden, he spoke, " Who are you ?" Normally I would not reveal my name to a stranger but somehow I knew that he would not harm me. Hence I replied,"Ashari."


She lay there......(OnHold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora