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It's all I could see.

I turned around.

Darkness behind me. Darkness around me. Darkness above me. Darkness below me.

Darkness was everywhere.

I tried to think about how I ended up in this eternal darkness, but I couldn't remember anything. Nothing came to mind. Just nothingness.

Darkness and nothingness.

Around me, and inside of me.

Who am I? What am I doing here? I have no clue. I'm cold..

That is, I was. Until the darkness disappeared as light flashed all around me, taking up everything that was dark.

And I landed face first into some pavement.

I groaned in pain as I got up, holding my head. I was dizzy. I could hear my heartbeat slamming in my head. I felt something warm and sticky on the hand holding my forehead.

Taking it away, I looked at my hand.

It was covered in a red substance I only knew as blood. I would have been worried but.. I was just.. So sleepy..

I saw a flash of something red out of the corner of my eyes as my vision faded out. Maybe I could just.. Take a nap..

There was darkness, once more, for a moment. I felt a searing pain in my head. No, it wasn't just the surface cut. It was like someone stabbed a white hot iron into my brain.

I screamed.

But the pain didn't go. My throat felt scratchy from the scream that tore through me. It was still there.

I fell to my hands and knees. I could feel blood and tears dripping onto my hands.

Can no one hear me..?

Can no one save me from this.. This excruciating pain?

Of course.

No one would come.

No one cared about me.

I was just..



A nobody that no one would save.

Candlelight (Axel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now