Chapter 6

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"What are you doing here?"

"Was t something I said," I asked.

"You got to understand that me and Daniels mum have never liked each other. I'm lucky that I'm even able to see my daughter,"

"I know and I do get that," I said. He pecked my lips.

"We are good then," he said smiling and I smiled back.

"Daddy!" Danielle shouted. He looked at her. "I'm hungry!"

"I'm coming!" He shouted back and looked at me. "You want to come?" I bit my gum and he already pulled me with him. He got Danielle in the car. I got in and so did he.

"Daddy who is she?" She asked.

"This is my girlfriend Jessie," he said. I smiled.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," I said turning back to look at her. He was driving. "I really like your dress,"

"Thank you," she said. "Daddy bought it for me, in my opinion he has great style," I laughed.

"He does," I said. "But I dont think I should let him pick out my dresses," she giggled and I looked at him and he was smiling a little.

"Daddy can you open the window?" She asked and he did. She sat up looking out the window as we drove by houses shops people. She looked happy. We arrived at a nice café downtown. He parked the car and got out and helped her out the car. I opened the door and shut it walking tot them. He grabbed my hand and his felt so nice and soft. I held back and smiled. We went in a sat at a table. We ordered well should I say he ordered. He looked at me and smirked.

"Don't worry you'll like it," I nodded and he pecked the corner of my mouth.

"Well why don't you look at that, he finally has a girlfriend," He looked at the lady with the food "And you brang her here," She said. "I'm really shocked,"

"Haha very funny," He said and she laughed. "How is dad doing?"

"He is doing . . . better," she said. "But then again he wont fucking sit down for one minute," They both laughed.

"Oh Jessie this is my sister Tasha, Tasha this is Jessie,"

"Nice to meet you," She said smiling. "You know he can be a real dick sometimes, but if I was you I would ignore him, because its just a phase,"

"Cheers Tasha, Your already wanting her to run away,"

"Chill little brother," She walked off.

"She is nice," I said and took my first bite of the food. They were both looking at me.

"Do you like it?" Daniel asked.

"It is amazing," I said and they looked at each other. "What?"

"You just tasted, the best dish of my family generation," He said.

"You mean your family own this place,"

"Yes," He said. We ate and it was nice, we laughed talk. Daniel is so kind and talkative, I like her.

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