Chapter 11

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I'm ill right know, so I don't know when I will be able to write another chapter, you know, my head is not as okay as to write in this moment so...I'll try to be better and continue writing!

Hope you like the chapter! :)


In the party there were already some people talking and drinking.

We got out of the limousine, some people looked at me, the only girl between five guys. I just looked away, searching for Ronnie or another friend.

– I'm gonna go find Ronnie – I told them, they just nodded but Andy insisted in going with me.

We both walked between the people. A minute later I turned to say something to Andy but he wasn't there anymore. You could imagine my face in that moment.

I sighed and continued walking, looking for my friend. Another person stood opposite to me, stopping me. I raised my eyes to his face, he was...mmmhhmm...what was his name?


– I'm gonna go find Ronnie – Iris said. That was the moment, I was gonna tell her what I felt...or try to.

I went with her, “searching for Ronnie” between the people. I was gonna touch Iris' shoulder when someone got me from the hand and turned me around, making me lose Iris from sight.

– Hey Andy – an irritable but at the same time familiar voice said to me.

– Scout? – I said very surprised to see her here. Why was she there? It was supposed that she couldn't come with me on tour because her parents didn't let her.

– Sweety, I wanted to know how you were and give you a surprise! – She blinked twice like a little girl. Really irritable and very fake.

– Scout – I sighed – we have to talk, okay? – I said, seeing his false "please-don't-say-that" glance.


Andy and Iris just disappeared a few minutes ago. We started walking between the people, looking for someone familiar to us. We found Ryan, he was talking to Ronnie next to the drinks table.

– Hey guys – we said going next to them.

– What's up? – Ryan said meanwhile Ronnie was drinking.

– Not much, we have just lost Andy and Iris so we were looking for some friends – Jake said.

I walked to the table and got a fizzy drink, I needed to be awake.

– Mhm! – I said, catching Ronnie's attention even with the glass against my lips. I swallowed it and then talked – Iris was looking for you – his face lighted up; what the hell? Was he … too? I shook my head, getting does thoughts away.

– Really? – He asked, I nodded – so, I'm gonna go see if I can find her – he said going away.

The rest of FIR was there too, and also Paramore and other bands, so we continued talking with them.


– What do we have to talk about? – She said with that look yet.

– Listen, I love you but...I found someone that I love more and I just don't wanna continue with this – she was using puppy eyes, but I didn't believe them.

– But...but... – she said, looking around; instead of being sad she was looking for someone that saw her as the pour one.

– Come on Scout, I know that you have a “friend” – I made quotation marks with my fingers. She just kept quiet.

– I supposed you would have known it someday – she sighed and shrugged – so, is this a goodbye? – she asked, looking at the ground.

– Sorry Scout, but yes – she hugged me but I just stood there, waiting for it to end.

Then I walked away, leaving her there. I didn't want to be the bad one, but I supposed that was what I seemed.

I saw Iris standing in the crowd, but she wasn't with Ronnie.


– Hey, what's up? – he said smiling at me – I'm Matt – he continued – Matt Good.

I stretched his hand and smirked to him – I'm Iris – I stood there for a moment and then decided to ask – are you Andy's friend?

He nodded, yet smiling – hope your friend soon too – I giggled – of course – we continued talking for almost ten minutes.

Then a black figure appeared behind me; I jumped a little, then realizing it was just Andy.

He stood there looking at me and Matt intermittently. We both looked at each other and back to him.

– I see you've already met Iris, Matt – he nodded smiling, encircling my shoulders with his arm.

I looked at him, with an eyebrow raised.

– Of course I did, she's my girlfriend – he said, I was going to laugh but...wait WHAT?

Andy was shocked in that moment, I saw anger in his eyes...that wasn't okay, but his expression didn't change.

– Don't say that – I hit Matt's arm laughing nervously.

Andy looked at me, wanting an explanation. Matt laughed but said “ouch” when I hit him.

– It was just a joke, Andy – he said, with his hand in his arm yet.

Suddenly, I was in someone's arms.

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