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  I sighed looking around me as I continued driving forward into the small town of Beacon Hills. Basically I spent all my time with my moms dad when my family moved here because back at my old home I was in some school program where it was gonna get me to a nice college. Now that I'm in 10th grade I dropped out. It was way to stressful and I missed my family. My sister, my dad, and my mom even though she passed. I still had a HUGE chance of getting into a nice college with my grades I just wasn't GAURANTEED a slot like in my old schools program. I also needed to help my dad and sister with all the supernatural things going on. See, I knew about these things before Allison. I knew since I was 13. I had been practicing my whole life to be a 'qualified hunter' and I 'graduated' when I was 16. I learned everything I needed to know and almost everything there was to know. I made my first silver arrowhead and I was done. We were meant to make bullets but bows and arrows were my signature weapon along with Chinese Ring Daggers and throwing knives.

I took a deep breath turning the radio up to keep me somewhat awake as I smiled softly to Twenty one pilots song 'Ode to Sleep'. I looked at my phone very briefly to see where I needed to go as I saw that I was almost to the neighborhood. Beacon Hills was a very small town so a few turns and I'd be there. I did those turns and soon approached the house smiling. I took a deep breath turning my car off as the music abruptly stopped. I unbuckled before stepping out of my car shakily. I walked to the back grabbing all my bags which, of course, was a lot. I lugged all of them to the front porch and sighed kicking the door like I was knocking as it opened slightly and I saw my dad as he grabbed some bags and I smiled thanking him. We brought them in and I smiled as he hugged me tightly.

"Thank God you're here" he said and I smiled.

"I'm happy I'm here. Where's Allison?"

"She's upstairs I believe" he responded and I smiled nodding. I crept up the stairs softly and was met to face with a somewhat attractive boy.

"You must be Ariel" the boy said and I nodded.

"Yep. That's me" I stated.


"Isaac" I interrupted and he laughed. "I've heard plenty about you."

"Good or bad?"

"Good of course" I stated.

"Great. Well I'll let you get to Allison" he said and I smiled nodding. He seemed really nice. I walked towards her room and smiled as she looked towards me gasping.

"Surprise" I said throwing my hands up. She dove off her bed and ran towards me tackling me in a hug. (Gif)

"Oh my Gosh! I missed you so much. There sooooo much you need to catch up on" she said as I grinned.

"Let's start with school and work our way up to my friends" she said grabbing me and pulling me to her bed. It's not like we hadn't facetimed and texted. I remember when she first found things out about the supernatural world we facetimed for like 6 hours if that's even possible. She basically kept me up all night. Facetiming wasn't the same as talking in person though, trust me.

After a long talk about the school we were finally onto her friends. She pulled her phone out and went to her pictures.

"Okay this is Scott" she began showing me him.

"Your ex right?"

"Right. He's a werewolf. Well alpha to be exact. A true alpha."

"Ooooo nice" I said laughing.

"Ok and this is Lydia. You'll love her, she's my best friend. She's a banshee. Then there's Ethan, Aiden, Isaac, and Derek who's not really a friend and yeah that's it. I feel like I may be forgetting someone."

"Who's that?" I asked looking at a picture of a boy around our age who was highly attractive.

"Oh that's Stiles. How'd I forget Stiles?" She said and looked at me funny. "Why do you think he's cute?"

"Maybe" I said and she wriggled her eyebrows.

"He probably won't like me though I mean, he probably has girls all over him" I continued.

She began laughing and I looked weirdly at her. "What?"

"No girls like him. He's so awquard" she stated and I shrugged.

"He's still cute."

"Well I think you two will get along quite well."

"I hope. What if they don't like me?"

"They'll like you Ariel."

"How do you know?"

"Cause I just do now come on let's catch up some more."

BTW GUYS ARIEL AND ALLISON LOOK ALIKE BUT KINDA DIFFERENT.. Same features but Ariels blonde and shorter than her as well.

The Hunter; (Allison's twin X Stiles) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now