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"Hi" = normal people

"Hello" = telepathy

'Hi' = Anne's way of speaking for everyone to hear

'Hello' = Anne's telepathy

'sup' = thoughts


Chapter 2


Shivers wracked my body as I desperately tried to find warmth in my soaked clothing. My long hair stuck to head and back damply. It almost felt like slime. My ripped sun dress and cloak hugged my body tightly feeling heavy and also thoroughly soaked. Grumbling to myself mentally I stood up not feeling the need of sleep any longer.

Just as I stood I froze in an instant. There was some type of new presence. It felt a little familiar but foreign at the same time. "Hello Miss Anne can you hear me?" A voice echoed into her mind. The voice sounded withered but warm questioned. 'Who are you and how do you know my name?' I questioned back hesitantly. "I assure you we have met before. No need to be afraid. My name is Charles Xavier. I finally found you and was wondering if you would reconsider what I asked you from that time all those years ago?" He said kindly. A memory instantly played my mind from briefly thirty or so years ago. I smiled and gave a small giggle.

'What? You didn't like what I said last time? Well anyway. Sure why not? Just tell me where and I'll come. After all I have nothing better to do anymore.' I replied slowly back to him. There was silence before he answered. Receiving the address of what he called 'the base of operations'. I do have to say he still seems humorous as ever. I wonder how he has aged? I chuckled at the thought of him in a wheelchair. Crippled and bald. Another stifles of laughter escaped me coming out silent from my usually sealed lips.

'Salem' I thought dryly to myself. 'How wonderful New York, North Salem. In other words one of the infamous witch burning city though the first and original witch burning is in Massachusetts. But still many states named a city in their dwelling to ward off 'witches'. Seems my past will never leave me alone.' I shivered at that last thought.

'But it is in 'normal' human nature to be cautious. To be afraid and hostile of the unexplained...' Shaking my head to rid me of my thoughts I kept walking forward. Surprisingly the weather was warm and...kind? Unlike the rest of New York that is practically under a waterfall.

Thinking back over to the swift telepathic conversation I had with Charles I assured myself I was heading in the right direction. That I was indeed in front of the right...mansion. But the metal and what I believe is a gold plate in front of the brick gate sort of. How should I say this? Um...rattled, shocked, confused, intrigued me? Pair it anyway you would like. The meaning is and always will bring in the same result.

In my hesitant thoughts I dismayingly dismissed the sounds of wheels and foot steps. That is until the gates squeaked open. Jumping from my thoughts I whirled around to see a elder looking man, a woman with white hair, another woman with fiery red hair, a man with a odd pair of sunglasses on...and James...

My thoughts whirled in me like a chaotic wild animal tasting freedom. Wild, free, untamed. In a blur and barely thinking on my part I did a very very idiotic thing. Swiftly raising a hand, I stomped towards James and sent him hurling to the ground with a single punch. Gritting my teeth I picked him back up and glared into his brown eyes. 'WHERE THE FUCKING HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!!!' I (mentally)screeched at him allowing them all to hear me. His eyes widened at me then furrowed in confusion. "You know me or something kid? And I would like to be put down now if you wouldn't mind." He said making me instantly drop him to his feet. My eyes swirled in confusion as I turned to look at the older looking man who I now figured was Charles. 'What the hell happened to James?' They all looked confused the red head stepped up.

"James? I'm sorry but-" "My name is Logan kid. Not James." I whirled around in shock. Then I laughed (silently) dryly. 'Sorry but no. Big guy your name is James. And do you not remember me or something?' Sadly it seems I was right on point. "No. I don't. Should I?" I felt broken. I fell to my knees. The motion knocked my hood that covered my face and hair from view. My vibrantly glowing blue eyes stared out in shock. One thought echoed through my mind. 'I'm all alone. I am forgotten again.' My breathing became rushed. 

"Anne. Please calm down." Charles said calmly looking down at me in not pity but sadness. I looked at him in hope that this was not some twisted prank. "I'm afraid it isn't. Logan here has been without memory for the past fifteen years."I tensed as the memories tried to resurface. I quickly shoved them away. My throat felt dry and I felt sick. 'Okay then fine. Logan. Do you remember at least something?' I asked tensely from the gravel I still sat in. He firmly shook his head no causing me to sigh in complete exhaustion. 'This is going to be a long day...' I groaned as I rubbed my forehead. 'Damn this life.'


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