"I want my five minutes."

I sat back down on the edge of the bed and he sat beside me. "Well go on." I said nudging him.

His antsy look turned to distain abruptly. I'd seen Nolan angry and annoyed before but this was something different. "All these people, cheering me on." He started and frowned. "And not a single one really even knows me."


"Exactly what I've said. They're cheering on a complete stranger, crying to songs that they've no idea the meaning behind. I'm such a dámn ásshole you'd think it would make people want to stay away, force me out. But no, I just get even more attention. Standing in front of the entire world, a thousand people to my side at every moment of every day and I'm the loneliest person in the fȕcking world."

Stunned would be an understatement. I tried to remind myself that Nolan had lied to me before in the five minutes. Told me a tragic tale only to laugh when I expressed my condolences. He liked to play games, to trick people, me especially. In the week since the sleazy motel he'd been acting out more so than ever, disappearing before shows, drinking during intermission, he'd stopped cashing in his five minutes all together and instead of sitting up with me after a show he'd throw himself into music again. Trying to write with headphones connected to his guitar, cursing up a storm and ripping pages out of notebooks until they were empty.

Something in my gut told me that this wasn't a game. It wasn't some clever ploy to get me caught up in some world wind fantasy that Nolan was a real guy. It's like he was talking to himself and I just happened to be eavesdropping. This was the real Nolan I was talking to.

He scoffed. "You think I like being the way I am? You think I enjoy knowing everyone around me is only my friend for what I have? You hit the nail on the fȕcking head Red, I don't have friends. I have leeches. You bítch and moan all the time, I know you can't stand me. No one can, can't fȕcking blame em. You're just another hired head, everyone is just in it for the money, the title, the glamour... and me?" His smoldering eyes turned suddenly into something beautiful. "I don't know why the hell I'm in it for. I haven't a clue but whatever it is it's not strong enough to keep me from drowning."

I pulled him into a hug. "Oh Nolan, It's going to be okay." I whispered into his neck. He brought his arms around me and I closed my misty eyes. This is the Nolan I wished everyone needed to see, the one I wished I was on tour with. The one Holden had warned me about. "Everything is going to be okay."

After a few moments we pulled apart and his lips found mine instantaneously.

I pulled away shocked. "Nolan!" I gasped and he kissed me again, this time forcing me backwards on the bed and pushed his hands through the opening of my robe. "Woah, okay slow down killer!"

"Shh." He said and forced his lips on mine again, he forced the robe open further and I turned my head away from his kiss.

"Nolan, stop!"

"I still have two minutes." He groaned with his lips to my neck.

I pushed him and he sat up completely and I swiftly pulled my robe closed. "What the hell was that?" I demanded and he stared at me with obvious confusion. "You just think you can get any girl you want, don't you!"


"Just because you've got money and thousands of people to your side every moment. Guess what I'm not a part of those thousands!" I stood up and pulled the rope on my robe tighter than need be. "Was that even real? Or was that just more lies? Huh? What are you playing at now?"

Nolan stood up and his eyes were dark, the same darkness I had grown accustomed to and for some reason it hurt.

"You owed me one anyway." He said in a low and dangerous voice. A chill worked it's way up my back. "The bet. You owed me one anyway."

I swallowed hard and nodded, we both knew that had nothing to do with the bet.

"I'm sorry." I said shaking my head. "We're both adults, I over reacted. I felt a blush hit my cheeks. I looked down for a moment and then looked up through my lashes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out sometime I just-I-"

"Get dressed and wear something sėxy if you're going to be out with me."


"I am counting Nolan. Honestly I am. I am counting exactly how many you have. We hit five and we go home, got it?"

He spun his bar stool to face me completely. "Right, five on each hand. Got it."

"No, I'm serious. Five drinks and we call it a night. And I'll have you know that's a very generous number because I am exhausted."

He rolled his eyes and leaned forward to the bar tender. "A pitcher please."

"That's three."

"Horse shít! This is one drink."

"It disperses into three glasses."

Nolan tuned back to the bartender. "Can I get a straw with that? Thanks." He turned back to me with a pleased smirk. "See. No glasses. One drink."

I rolled my eyes. "Two."

Nolan turned back to the room holding the pitcher in both hands and sucking on the straw as innocently as if it was a juice box. I watched his eyes dart from one section of the bar to another.

Looking for you next victim Mr. Doufer?

"Dance." Nolan instructed to me.

"I don't dance."

"Then drink."

"I'd prefer to be sober at work."

He groaned. "Look Carter, you came with me. If you just sit here twisting straw wrappers between your fingers that makes me look bad. Get up. Mingle. Dance. Sing. I don't care."

I snorted. "Oh yeah, big precious image you have?"

He slammed the pitcher down and leaned forward until we were eye level. "Either you do this Carter or I swear, we will go out every single night we're in a hotel the rest of the tour. You understand me? I still have two and a half more months all over the country, you want to do this my way, or do you want a struggle because if that's what you've want then you got it baby."

I pursed my lips. "Fine."

He motioned to the dance floor. "There is a ridiculously busty and easy woman somewhere out there in this bar and I'm going to find here and you are going to be fun and energetic tonight, Got it?"

I forced the biggest, most condescending smile I could possibly muster. "You got it boss."



I know, I use a lot of fall out boy songs, I just can't help but feel like they fit so well!

Anyway I have a pretty awesome surprise planned for the next update (; Don't forget to vote and comment and I'm thinking I'll bang it out a little early!

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