Chapter 2

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I awake to my alarm clock blaring Friday by Rebecca Black, not cause I like the song but cause I hate it so much that I wake up in seconds just to shut her up. I slammed my hand on the off button, and slowly crawled out of my big fluffy bed that suddenly got a lot more comfortable.

I dragged my feet across the floor as I walked into my bathroom, I noticed the shower was on I stopped and looked at it a minute confused…I must have woke up and turned it on not too long ago. I thought as I sleepily sat down on the toilet to relieve myself, I yawned after I finished and decided I might as well take a shower.

I undressed half asleep not even noticing the other dirty clothes on the floor, suddenly I opened the shower curtain and if I wasn’t awake before I sure as heck was now. There stood Eric completely naked rubbing soap on his well shaped body, we both screamed and I covered myself with one hand and with the other quickly close the curtain. I dash out not even bothering to grab my clothes, “What are you doing here?” I ask, jumping in bed to cover myself with the blanket,

“I stayed the night remember?” he hollers over the flowing water, I thought a minute not remembering much about last night, just this super strange dream I had.

“Oh…I guess I forgot. But I had this CRAZY dream last night, you will not believe it! It’s actually pretty funny!” I say chuckling at the memory,

“Give me a minute,” he says, I looked around the room bored, I noticed my little black dress lying on the floor beside my bed. I hesitantly got up and slipped it on so I wasn’t nude anymore; I look around the room more wondering why I had this out.

Clothes were scattered across the room like I was having a hard time picking out what to wear like in my dream…the realization started to sink in it wasn’t a dream! I couldn’t believe it I had to be sure I pushed play on my answering machine and I heard Eric’s awkward voice again.

“Kay what was the dream Mia?” I hear Eric ask, I turn around and see him with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist his body glistened like he was an angel sent from above.

“Huh?” I ask trying to peel my eyes off his chest, failing of course.

“Your dream what was it about?” he asks, rubbing his head with another towel trying to dry his hair.

“I- I forgot.” I say blankly, grabbing clothes off the floor and throwing them into hampers in a hurry, Eric eyed me while I clean my room.

“What’s wrong?” he asks stepping in front of me, taking both my clothed filled hands in his. I stare past him not answering, I shook my head. “Mia, stop. You’re cleaning your room like your parents are about to walk in any minute to visit. You only do that when you’re upset.” He sighs moving his head in front of my stare so we were eye to eye.

“That’s not true…” I mumble, staring at his perfect face his eyes shinned as blue as the ocean, hair as black as the night, dimple in his left cheek when he smiles, teeth perfectly straight and white, his chin has a tiny bit of stubble letting me know he hasn’t found time to shave yet.

“Mia, save all your lies, I've known you since we were freshmen in high school when we had biology together remember I helped you dissect the frog! I know when you're lying to me by now." he says with a soft encouraging smile, I shivered at the memory of the terrifying frog.

"Nothing I just can't believe last night happened that's all." I say letting my hands fall from his grip unfortunately he was standing so close, they just barely touched his towel knocking it off his waist, "And this keeps happening!" I practically yell placing my hand on my face in a 'oh brother not again' motion.

"What do you mean? You regret telling me your secret?" he asks wrapping the towel back where it was before,

"...don't you?" I ask, still a huge part of me wishing he would shout 'APRIL FOOLS!' However it's June so I highly doubt that will happen.

"Oh..." he mumbled his gorgeous smile gone and replaced with an intensely disappointed face. "I'm...gonna get dressed" he says as he walks away; I noticed right away he didn't have the same bounce in his step he usually has. I just couldn't deal with that right now; I went in the bathroom sure to lock the door before slipping my little black dress off.

I walk into my bedroom wrapped in a dark gray towel as I was grabbing an outfit to wear I notice it was quiet...too quiet. "Eric?" I call out; as I wait a few minutes for a reply my heart was pounding did he leave without saying bye? I wonder as I forget about clothes and walk into the hallway of my apartment, my feet were still pretty wet from the shower they made a suction cup sound with each step I took on my wooden floors.

"Eric?" I call again still no answer; I gripped the towel around me even tighter as I try to think straight what could I have said that would make him mad? When I got to the end of the hall I looked in my open kitchen/ living room apartment the living room was completely empty with 'The Young and The Restless' playing on my TV muted.

I turn to my right seeing an empty kitchen I take my phone off the hook and dial Eric's number, the phone in my ear ringed then I heard my ringtone on Eric's phone ringing I follow the noise to my pantry as I reached for the door knob; heart still pounding the door flew open.

“Boo!” he shouts jumping in front of me, I scream bloody murder and fell to the floor scared to death.  

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