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I went back. "S..sorry"I looked down. "It's ok"he said. "Um. "I looked at him. "I never thought you would do that"he looked at me. "It just felt right"I said. I grabbed his hand. "It did"he said. I nodded. He hugged me. "Um"I was happy. "I should get going"I said. "See you tomorrow "he smiled. "See you tomorrow. "I smiled back. I was walking home and when I got inside my dad had friends over. "Look who's home boys. I call her "one man said. I tried to run upstairs but he grabbed me. "Let me go"I yelled. "Fine. Boys lets go"he said smiling.
What a creepy man
When she left and got something to eat. "Hey little bro"Garroth said. "What do you want"I said. "What I can't say hi to my favorite little brother"he said. I looked at him. "Fine. I was thinking maybe you can get Aph to date me again "he asked. "No"I said grabbing food. "Why"he asked. "She said she doesn't like you "I said. "Whatever"he ran upstairs. I laughed. I finally finished my real homework and go treaty for bed. When I looked at my phone it had a text.

Me-night 🤓
Aph-night 😘

What. She just. I need a lot of rest

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