14 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to probootyhunter for supporting me throughout all my stories. your comments honestly make me die of laughter. thank you so much x

sorry if Noelle's thoughts sound like one of a serial killer :') i've been reading way too many horror/thriller stories.

I T ' S  O B V I O U S  I  W A N T  T O  B E  I N T O  Y O U,
B U T  I T  A L L  D E P E N D S  O N  A L L 
T H E  T H I N G S  Y O U  D O.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂


My hands flew over the keyboard at an alarming rate, causing clacking sounds to resonate across the room.

It was time.

Time to put my plan into action.

As often as not, I found myself daydreaming about how many days or weeks it'll take Blaze to gain feelings for me. If I'm lucky, it can be done in two weeks or more. Ostensibly, we'd barely just make it pass Halloween, but that's okay.

So far, I had two rules written down, under the title 'how to drive a guy away'.

Rule Number One to Drive a Guy Away: Become Overly Jealous.

Rule Number Two to Drive a Guy Away: Become Clingy.

All I had to do now was gather a few more rules, enough to drive Blaze over the brink of breaking up with me. That is, when we start dating.

No one can know about this plan, though.

No. I will not allow that.

If I confided in Jade about my plan, she'd consider it cheating, and looking back now, it sort of is.

I was just terrified. Terrified of gaining feelings for Blaze. And, in order to prevent that from happening, I'd just have to drive him away.

With these rules.

"Okay..." I mumbled as I typed in the search bar.

Rule Number Three to Drive a Guy Away: Become Overly Dependent.

I really desired to roll my eyes at this one. Ugh. Reaching for my phone, I set it in-between my shoulder and ear, rolling my tongue over my teeth.

Moments passed by, and somebody eventually answered the phone. "Noelle?"

I cleared my throat. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," came Jade's voice. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, uh, watching a movie," I lied. "How are you?"


"That's great," I said, my eyes straying to the clock. "How're things with you and Joseph?"

"What...?" she asked, her voice laden with suspicion.

"I just realised I've been way too caught up with Blaze to hang out with you," I explained, fist bumping at the amazing white lie I formed. "How do you really feel about the break up?"

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