Trigger: Chapter 21

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As Jason twirled me around to an upbeat waltz of some sort, I couldn't help but eye Ayden. When I told him I couldn't dance, I wasn't lying. Both he and Jason now realized this as I tripped and stumbled along across the floor. Of course, my distraction wasn't exactly helping me. As I watched him, he picked at his food, occasionally flicking a few strands of blond out of his eyes. I also realized that as I watched him, he was watching me.

We locked gazes forcing my breath to catch. I dropped my eyes just in time to watch the toe of Clara's borrowed heels graze the tip of Jason's shiny, black dress shoes. Looking up apologetically and he just smiled back.

"It's no big deal," he murmured. "You're a fantastic dancer in your own way."

"We both know that's not true."

Right on cue, I stumbled over my own feet as he began to turn me in a new direction. Grinning at my clumsiness, he continued try to guide me in circles with his one hand pressed against my back and his other gripping my hand. I tried to smile back politely, but my eyes slowly drifted back towards Ayden.

A slender blond girl in a slinky black dress had taken my seat. She combed her fingers through her hair as she coolly grinned at Ayden. Leaning in closer to the table, she propped up her elbow and leaned against her palm attempting to place herself in his line of vision. Oblivious, Ayden chewed his food slowly and continued to idly stare in my direction.

Apparently fed up with being ignored, the girl laughed obnoxiously before leaning towards Ayden and gently placing a hand on his knee. He shifted his gaze towards her now as if seeing her for the first time. Blinking, he smirked at her now, leaning in and engaging in conversation.

Looking away to bite back the jealousy I felt bubble in my stomach, my foot caught on Jason's yet again and pitched me towards the floor. Tightening his hold on my wrist and pulling the hand on my back closer towards himself, he saved me from the fall by taking me into almost a hug. With my face half buried in his chest, my cheeks grew warm and my eyes wide. It was bad enough I couldn't dance.

"I – uh," I stammered, still stunned.

Smiling down at me still, he supportively muttered "Don't worry about it."

Lifting me slightly, he waited until I got my footing and could stand on my own. Releasing me, he replaced his hands in their original position.

"You okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I just tripped," I mumbled.

"I mean you seem a little distracted," he amended. "We don't have to dance if you don't want."

"Oh! No, I'm fine!" I exclaimed quickly with a nervous laugh. Still, I couldn't help but let my eyes drift slightly over his suited shoulder and towards Ayden. To my surprise, I found only an empty chair and a disappointed blonde, slumped at the table. Before I had the chance to wonder where Ayden went, his stiff voice chopped my train of thought.

"Excuse me," he muttered in a low tone. I turned to find Ayden with his grip on Jason's shoulder and a raised brow. Jason came to an abrupt stop with a questioning look. Though Ayden held a soft smile on his lips, a quick flinch and the strain in his knuckles suggested he held Jason in a vice-like grip. "I believe I'm this lovely lady's escort tonight."

"Oh, well if you hadn't noticed, we're sort of in the middle of a dance," Jason pointed out with a trace of irritation. Ayden scoffed.

"I'm not quite sure you can consider that dancing, but I really don't care if you're baking a fucking cake together," he shot, placid smile never faltering.

My eyes grew wide with Ayden's words and I turned toward Jason with an apologetic look. He shrugged his way out of Ayden's grip with one final, sharp glance.

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