Chapter 1: A Strange Feeling

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"Why don't you do everyone a favor and get the hell out of here!" A teenage boy yells, shoving me against a metal locker. A loud slam is heard as people keep on walking down the halls chattering about.

"You know, I would love to!" I say, pushing myself out of his grasp, clutching my backpack's handle tight, "But guess what, I have classes to take. Get used to it asshole!"

He extends his hands with a shit-eating grin and pushes me to the ground. His brown hair roofing his sinister eyes. Connecting white tiles to a backpack and the back of my head. Better yet, a shoe rams my stomach repeatedly as he seems to get stronger with every strike. People walk past us like it's none of their business and some people miraculously are just watching with their phones pulled out. I cover my stomach with my hands quickly to absorb the damage to my vital areas. Exhaling as my eyes veer off towards the ceiling, fixating my sights on something else. Watching a new girl quickly walk along in a tank top and short jeans.

I probably deserve this from talking back. Geez, he's such a loser!

"Aww, what's the matter?" He says panting, "Not so tough now, right?" He says, staring down at me with drops of sweat dropping off his face. Hearing his breathing loud and clear. He brings me up, holding my head looking intently with his dark brown eyes giving that same shit-eating grin.

Jesus fucking Christ! Can he just go away? His face is just a beauty... What should I do? It's so bright my eyes burn from how hellish it looks. If people only had a brain...

He pulls back his fist again before he looks over his shoulder, looking at his friend who called his name for like the tenth time, "What?! I'm busy!"

"Kisame! Class is about to start!"

Kisame mutters a few curses under his breath before shoving me off saying, "I'll deal with you later, you sorry excuse for a human being."

Isn't THIS a great way to start the first year of middle school? Get beat up by an asshole and not have the guts to punch him square in the face. Great job, Misheru. Aren't YOU special?

A loud ring is flown everywhere around me, can't even differentiate the difference between the school bell or from the beating. Leaning against the lockers and my fist collides with it hard. My head follows the same motion several times, "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" I mutter. With one final slam, I leave the area leaving a smear of blood off his locker and a small dent. Taking a deep breath, I walk towards the bathroom. Staring at my bruises and specks of blood on my right palm.

Great. I'm going to be late on my first day.

I glare at myself at the reflection in front of me. The brown dark long hair and rough landscapes on my face before splashing it with water. Disgusting. Water rushing down the drain with bits of red flowing down with it. Sometimes sorrow could be that way, but the sounds of the water help clear my mind at least a little. I grab a sharpie from my backpack and draw a smiley face on the mirror's edge. Draw another deep breath and head down the hallway. Alone like always.

I watch my black sneakers tap across the floor, enjoying the silence, and close my eyes. Nothing. What bliss. A clatter of books sounds in front of me as my shoulder bumps someone walking opposite from me. I quickly look around. It's the girl from before! Class books across the floor as she collects them in a hurry. She pulls back her short yet longish, black hair to be able to see clearly.

It looks like I bullied her! Shit! Maybe I should help pick her books. Don't want her day ruined by ME of all people.

I kneel and collect the math book. Scrambling to collect another, "I-I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"It's alright." She says, a soft, gentle voice exuding from her lips. "Don't worry about it." She gets up and lets out a sigh. Clears her throat around three times before looking at me with a warm smile across her face, putting her hair behind her ear, "Uh, if it's too much trouble. Would you mind helping me with something?"

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