Chapter Four

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Ok I have to admit he's. ......strange. I still have no idea where we are. Every time I ask he says non of your business. I don't think he even knows where we are. My stomach growled interrupting my thoughts. Error looked at me weirdly and asked " wha-a-a-a-at wAs ThAt.?" I looked at him and said "I'm you maybe have any food.....?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. He looked at me then sat down lost in thought. After like twenty minutes he said " no-o-o-o-o...BuT i KnOw WhErE wE cAn GeT sOmEtHiNg To EaT ." he then grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. He hugged me close to his body, one arm wrapped firmly around me. "JUsT dO-o-k-o-ont let go...." He said sternly then he moved his right hand up. His eye glowed blue and yellow as a hole glitches into the empty space. It showed snow and a forest. Could it be. home. He held me closer and walked through it. It felt like a force was trying to pull me back into the blank white room. But we kept walking til we were on the other side of the portal. I looked at error and that's when I finally noticed that he had these blue streaks running from his eyesockets down his face. Kinda like tears. But he wasn't crying. I reached up to touch his face but he let go of me and backed up into a tree quickly. His eye sockets widened he has this glint of fear in his eyes. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow confused by his actions. "I'm no-o-o-o-ot used to phy-y-y-y-tsical ple-e-e-e-eas don't tou-y-u-u-u-uch me." He said fearfully. I put my hand down to my side and his shoulders relaxed. " hey Error ....where are we?" I asked looking around. "We-e-e-e're in UNDERFELL." He replied putting his hands in his hoodie pockets before walking up to me. "We-e-e-e-e-ell shall WE go-o-o?" He asked raising a brow. I nodded and we head off down the trail. I don't know but I think I'm starting to like him.

(A/N: hello my friends. How's it going. I hope u like this chapter. Sorry Its been a while since I updated. I've just been running out of ideas. But I'll think of more things to right don't you worry about that. Til next chapter my beautifuls.)

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