Chapter 6: Assigned Seats... Um! I'm Not in KINDERGARTEN!

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"Yeah, that's the skateboard I gave to her." The familiar voice said.

I turned my head and say the light grey eyes staring at me, his very light brown hair was pushed back from his forehead but a few strands got into his eyes. He didn't seem bothered by it though.

"Your Ryan." I stated, looking out the window past him. I saw him nod and I turned my eyes back to him.

"Blazing Pink?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow even though my hood covered my eyes completely. I had to tilt back the hood to actually see him, that's why I hadn't noticed who it was.

He nodded again. "Yeah. That's what the Skaters call you, since nobody knew your name."

"That's stupid." I said, disturbed at how girly the damn name sounded.

He shrugged and asked the obvious. "So what exactly is your name?"

"Kylie Smith." I replied, leaning my back against the seat. There was silence and then Ryan went back talking to his friends or whoever they were. The bus stopped at another stop and I didn't really care who was getting on the bus or off of it.

Ryan stuffed past me and said, "See you around."

I nodded and watched him get off at this stop, in front of another high school called "Airline Young". Then I moved over until I was sitting next to the window. I pulled out my iPhone, plugging in my headphones and then put the music in my ears at a low volume so I could still hear what was going on around me.

I moved my book bag until it sat between my legs on the ground and the skateboard rested on my lap still. I was comfortable. I yanked my hood farther down on my face and leaned my head against the coolness of the window. The bus picked up some kids from this school and announced that the next stop was Brooks. I signed in relief.

A person sat down next to me, but I didn't even glance in their direction. That is until I heard Bridget's voice right from the seat in front of me.

"Hey freak, move it. That's my seat."

I didn't bother to look at her because she could be talking to anyone. That is until I felt someone tap my head and then repeat that same words, "Freak, I said move it, now. That's my seat."

I signed in annoyance. "I didn't know that a school bus assigned seats to students. What are we in? Kindergarten? I'm not moving out my seat if I was sitting here before you got your arse on the damn bus. If you've got a problem with it, make me."

It was like the whole bus had gone quiet and I think it did expect for the low music in my ears. That's when people started laughing and saying, "Burn" and "Treated". I signed again.

People were annoying. I closed my eyes and counted to ten before I opened them and heard Bridget's voice, "Look, loser. I don't care what you think it is, because you're messing with the wrong one. You need to move your fat ass out of that seat right the now before I kick your scrawny ass."

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see them. I was scared of Victoria because she looked like a damn Gorilla. But if it's Bridget, the little princess looking girl, I don't think I'll run from that. I shook my head and almost laughed out loud, the bus was quiet again.

"I'm messing with the wrong one? Ha-ha, bitch you funny. You barking up the wrong tree, because first off, you don't know whom you're talking to. Second off, you can't me move out of this seat, thinking you a damn diva. And lastly, if you keep effing with me I will seriously kick you're white trashy ass all across goddamn America."

Now the whole bus dropped into shocked moment, I could feel it in the atmosphere. Nothing, no one could even breathe. I continued to stare out the window with an absent mind. Man, what an annoying bitch. What did Evan see in her?

Ride or Die {Book 1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now