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Pain. That was the first thing that she felt, and soon after, fear.  She didn't know what had happened, or even how it happened, but she was painfully aware of the fact that she wasn't in Kara's bedroom anymore. She was certain of this, because her furry white rug was not underneath her finger tips. In it's place, fresh green grass. As she stood and studied her surroundings, she realized she was in a forest, a beautiful one at that. The aroma of flowers and and the wind dancing through her hair put her at ease. She didn't mind it one bit. She could stay here forever in fact, away from her retched home. She couldn't even call  it that. A gust of wind that sent her hair sprawling across her face made her draw in a breath. Except, it wasn't a gust of wind, It was an arrow, and it slightly grazed her cheek. She gripped the grass beneath her and summed up the courage to look up. She stared into a pair of beautiful golden eyes, that shined like the sun. She didn't even realize she was falling until her head hit the ground, and she was overcome with darkness.

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