Chapter 8 - Truth

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Talia's POV

"You young lady have a lot of explaining to do" mum said sternly looking me in the eyes she was relieved she found me but distraught I was secluding myself. "But once you've eaten" I just nodded and kept silent.

Once I had eaten some food they got to the 'interigation' part. I'm guessing they spoke to Tenzin as to why I was in the roof.
"Why didn't you tell us some guys dropped you in mud" mum said sympathetically, I shrugged.
"Do you know why?" Mum asked crouching to my eye level. I didn't lol up or move, I didn't nod or shake my head. "You an tell us we can help honey" dad said chilling in.
"I can't" i said under my breath but I guess mum heard.
"Why can't you"
"Because I can't"
"But why?"
"Because" I sighed "Bumi dealt with it, so i can" they all looked at Bumi questionably he just shrugged, then it clicked in his mind and he gasped.
"Tallie, why didn't you tell them"
"Tell who what, Bumi?" my dad asked questionably/seriously
"Tallie" Bumi said extending the 'ah' and 'ie'
I sighed "those guys had been picking on me for a while, any thing they could use against me they would, and there too favourite was I'm a 'non-bender' and was not worthy to be the daughter of the avatar" I said with my head down.
Mum gasped and pulled me into a tight hug along with dad "Talia" she said sympathetically.
"Why didn't you tell them?"
"For the same reason i didn't say I was an airbender at first" I said finally looking up at dad though, "I didn't want the attention" I sighed "I was also scared that if I did I would accidentally show my water bending as well and would be called a freak" dad looked at me sadly and said
"Your not a freak Talia, your not and a never will be one, tell us in future please, we can help you" I just nodded and we all got in for one big family hug and I was in the middle
"Can't ..... Breath" I said between breaths.
Everyone laughed and released the hug.

I relaxed and had a normal day, well as normal as a day can be for being one of the last airbenders, the avatars daughter and a dual bender.

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