Ch200-Final Tests

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1.OH MY IRENE WE HIT 200 CHAPTERS. Never in my life did I think it would continue this long. Thank you all so much.

2.This is the new Phoenix Drop High Book. It's the same story I just hit the chapter limit which is 200 chapters. I hope you enjoy the new book. Also I you're new and you clicked on this book first I have Phoenix Drop High 2 on my wattpad page.

3.I'm also trying to sort out when I should upload fan fiction readings, should it be scheduled or free?


Aphmau's P.O.V.





I wake up in an annoyed mood. We have two more tests today and they are math tests. I really don't want to do that. I can't stay home though because I'll just have to take the tests another day. Oh well I should probably get up.

I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I get out and I get dressed. I wear black ripped shorts, a white t-shirt and a black and white cardigan. I put on black ankle boots and my lapis lazuli necklace.

I brush and curl my hair into a ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and skittle lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth. When I am done getting ready I go out to the kitchen for breakfast.

I have some waffles with ice-cream because at this point with all the testing I earned this. Celestia has some fancy dog food and she looks like she really likes it. I pack my school bag and I get ready to go. I can do this, I can do well in my math tests, I'm not completely Baka (Idiot/Stupid) so I can do this.

I grab my bag and I head off to school. I catch up with Garroth, Vylad and Zane who are also walking to school. We talk about the tests and Gene. Apparently Gene was expelled from his last school for vandalising a wall.

We arrive at school and we go to our lockers. I pack away my things and then head to the gym. I sit down next to Cadenza and Lucinda and we wait for the test to start. I see Gene walk in and his nose looks purple.

I kind of feel guilty about punching him but he did deserve it so I'm a little torn. I don't make eye contact with Gene but I can feel his eyes on me. It's really hard to ignore but I manage to do so. Suddenly his chair breaks and Lucinda laughs. She so used witchcraft to do that.

The teacher walks into the class and she gives out the tests. She reads out the instructions and we start the test. I concentrate really hard on the maths questions. They get really confusing but I work through them. The last few questions I'm reading are like:

If pancakes are round and the moon's light is caused by a reflection of the sun calculate the mass of 4 small narwhals

2. If I take YouTube and binge watch buzz feed while eating Doritos calculate the mass of Pluto

3. If my favourite colour is burgundy and the size of a dinosaur is forty maters then how many hours would it take to learn karate?

I gave up and answered all A's. I have no idea how to work out these problems. I can't wait for this test to be over. It is still better than exams because at least these tests don't go towards your grades.

*Time Skip To Lunch*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

When the first math test is over I head out to the cafeteria. I just need to be able to breath. I am seriously getting agitated with all these tests. I'm probably just hungry. I get my food and I sit down with my friends when I notice something is going in with Missy.

"GENE YOU IDIOT!" She yells

I think an argument is about to happen. I get out some popcorn and watch everything unfold. This should be entertaining.

"Aww Missy did I hurt your feelings?" Gene says smirking

"I just want to know why in the nether Lillian is hanging out with you" Missy replies

"Because I'm awesome" he replies

"Missy you a e so rude to everyone and you are always talking about people behind their backs, I'm so done with you" Lillian says

The whole cafeteria is filled with Ohhh's

"What ever Lillian, let's go girls" Missy says flipping her hair and walking out of the cafeteria with her minions

After all the tests and stress I'm kind of glad I got to see Missy roasted by someone. I notice Gene looking at me and I ignore it and turn back to my friends.

The bell goes and I go to class for my final test. I'm so glad this is almost over. We get our tests and I get to work. I think I blanked out halfway through because I really don't remember what I answered.

When I finish my test the bell goes and we are all allowed to go home. I go straight home and I grab Celestia's leash. We walk over to Shadow and he jumps around happily when he sees me. Gene walks out from the trees and smirks.

"Hey Kitty, I saw you ignore me at school" he says

I pretend not to notice him, I understand that he is the bad guy and there is no changing that. He drove his own dog away from him and he tried to kill his brother. He isn't a good guy.

"Come on Kitty, where are your claws?" He asks

He seems to get frustrated and he grabs my arm. Celestia and Shadow both jump at him and try to bite him. I laugh a little and tell them that it is time for us to go home. To my surprise Shadow follows me. I guess I have 2 dogs until Shadow wants to go back to Gene.

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