The Five Ideas

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Idea 1: Working Title– I'm still working out the gist of it. But I was thinking along the lines of it being based around gangs. Rather than the girl getting captured by the gang leader(cause that seems to happen a lot in these types of stories - I mean I read a lot of them so if people prefer it to be that way I can work it out but - ), it would be primarily around two rival gangs where the main guy is the leader of one and the main girl is the sister of the leader of the other.

Idea 2: Marked – The other idea I have is slightly more supernatural. The main guy - without giving too much away - wouldn't be entirely human. He would have a connection to the main girl somehow. Imagine being marked at the age of 18, this mark basically is the exact same mark in which your soulmate would possess. Just because you have the mark that doesn't necessarily mean you will fall in love with your soulmate. MOST do fall in love. The danger with falling in love with your soulmate is the attachment. If they so happened to get hurt physically – you do too. If they die the pain is completely excruciating. some who have lost their soulmates won't be able to handle the pain, thus ending their life.

Idea 3: Royal Lies – This idea is along the lines of Royals. There will be either a prince or princess and it'll either be based around them and someone who works in a protection programme. After having their home destroyed and invaded the royal will be forced to live under protection. The catch is that the person protecting them, isn't who they say they are.

Idea 4: Working Title – The last idea I have is another supernatural based plot based around elemental abilities. Imagine divergent but with fire, wind, earth and air(there will be more than just these four though). Each realm or part of living only accept people with that particular ability. There are rivalries and alliances. There will be the typical fire vs water and so on. If your born into the realm of Water for example you are almost instantly shunned by the people who possess the fire ability. Their realms are falling for one reason or another. People are acting up and going against the rules of the realms. For the first time in thousands of years the realms are forced to team up to save their homes, whether they like it or not.

Idea 5: Gallathalas - almost like idea four but it's more about dragons. Either they can morph into dragons or they own dragons i have to decide on that -- but this idea was actually a rp I tried to start but I never had the time to carry it on. Imagine being able to fly, breath fire or even create a hurricane with a single puff. Well in  a place called "Gallathalas" That is exactly what the residents can do. These aren't your ordinary residents they are what you and me would call dragons. Seven different species roam the land as any person or creature would, living and surviving in their own territory.

Every dragon can shift into a human form which can make it difficult for other dragons to see what element they are. Some chose to stay hidden from other species while others chose to show everyone who they are and what they are made of. When it comes to dominance and pride who knows which element will come on top.

With each element comes a certain role and responsibility, there are things each one can and can't do, but each are equally important. Though some species chose to ignore this and try to become above the rest, trying to prove that their element is the strongest.

Dragons do not chose which element they have because they are born to it. There has been no records as of yet of any dragon being born to two different elements, it is forbidden for any dragon to mate with an opposing element. This law was set by the one great dragon god which commanded all elements.

But something has changed in Gallathalas and all the dragons know it. The atmosphere feels different nowadays and the dragons are getting uneasy causing them to roam into other terrains to see what's been going on. The fire land is growing colder, the waters are becoming dryer, the air is becoming thicker, the earth is losing life, the storms are somewhat losing power, darkness is spreading to light and light is spreading to dark. Choas is breaking lose throughout the entire kingdom and it is up to each element to join forces in hopes to figure out what is going on and how to stop it.

This particular idea would change depending on whether or not they can or can't morph into dragons. Considering this version of this plot is based around them being able to shift.

– There's obviously points in each idea I have to work around and all that but yeah. I haven't figured out who the main characters will be but the main guy will probably be one of the 1D boys. If you have a preferred plot line let me know of that too it will help. Oh and pretty much all of them have working titles or titles that may be changed if I think of something better.

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