Chapter 6- You're A Traitor

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You wanna watch us break?

Be the first to take us down.

But your teeth are worn,

And there’s no stopping us now.

The sand was reflective, the moon dancing and shimmering across the grains gracefully. It was starting to set already, dawn was near and we hadn’t even caught sight of the kid yet. I was growing tired with the extended use of this form, and the fact Dylan was on my back did not help.

I was tempted to switch forms, but I knew that would only take up more of my precious energy, and I didn’t have enough to start with. Without a full night’s sleep I was bound to be lacking in that department.

Dylan was calling for his brother, and I was reaching out with my mind, but since we weren’t near and I knew next to nothing I couldn’t make contact. I tried to get through to him using his brother’s brain as well, but nothing made a difference. I couldn’t contact the little shit.

If it were up to me I would’ve already turned around and headed back, but I knew Dylan would never just give up. Them being family and all, he had to find his younger brother and make sure he was safe. I understood, but I really didn’t like it, especially because of the fact I was paying for it as well.

Max may be Dylan’s younger brother, but he would be getting punished the second he was back on our ground. I was the leader of the rebellion, I couldn’t go chasing after every buffoon who ran off; I had other responsibilities.

I stumbled, tripping not only in my real form but right out of my thoughts. There had been a rock partially buried in the sand that had caused my misstep and jolted me out of my mind, and I was surprised I didn’t notice it before.

My form flickered and I had no choice but to change back into a human. Dylan, without a warning to tell him I was shifting, fell onto the ground. “Sorry,” I muttered but wasn’t really all that apologetic.

“It’s fine,” he said, standing and dusting off his pants. “Why did you shift?”

“I just got my powers not too long ago. I haven’t had to stay in one form for an extended amount of time and I’m not used to holding it,” I responded, straightening up and looking around.

“Look, we need to go back. I only have enough energy to teleport the two of us back to camp. Maybe Max is like a puppy, he’ll come back once he realizes he fucked up.”

Dylan looked at me, slightly angry at my comparison and my suggestion. “How could you say that? He’s my brother; I can’t just leave him out here. He’ll die; he can’t take care of himself.”

“Well that’s his problem. I have an army to run though, and they need me there. I have a schedule to keep and I’ve already spent too much time on this. Your brother has no one but himself to blame for this, and if he dies then it’s on his head. I’m not jeopardizing everything I’ve worked for and accomplished thus far on a kid.”

He sighed. “You’re right. I can’t just leave him though. You go back, if I can we’ll meet up with you at Rockfell in a couple of days.” I shook my head, disappointed. I could understand though.

“Dylan!” The call came from far off, only I heard it as I prepared to teleport. I perked up, glancing around, and Dylan looked at me strangely. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off with a glare.

The call came again and I started walking, motioning for Dylan to follow me. He did soundlessly, trailing after me silently. He didn’t understand what I was doing because he couldn’t hear, but he would soon.

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