1: Introduction

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Hello, my name is Alexandria Elizabeth Smith.

I am currently 17 years old. I am pretty tall I guess, I'm 5'11'', I have brown hair that reaches my hips and military green eyes. 

I live in California, but I was born in Europe. My family and I moved to LA just 3 days ago. I will be going to school here, but I still haven't  got used to this "LA life".

I am an only child so I feel kind of lonely sometimes.

But all in all, I'm just an average teenage girl.


I realized I still don't have like any friends here so, I decided to make some.

"Mom? Can I go to the park? I feel like I could make some friends." I asked with a chuckle.

"Sure you can honey, just be home by 3!" my mom yelled from the kitchen. She must be making lunch.

My mom is a lawyer, so she won't be home a lot and my dad is an architect so same goes for him, but since it's Sunday they're both at home.

I ran upstairs to my room, grabbed my penny board and than left.

It only took me about 3 minutes since our new home wasn't that far from a park. 




So, this is my first fanfic.

I will try posting weekly, maybe even daily.

Hope you like this one.

See You soon! Byezz :)

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