Chapter 12

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The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed.

I panicked immediately, but then saw the bright yellow stick note on the door.

'I took Tellan.' —N.R.

I crumbled the sticky note up and used my pyrokinesis to burn it as I moved to grab a zip up out of the closet.

I pulled it over my shoulders, slipped on a pair of flats, and made my way for the recreational room meant for the teams only.

Mostly everyone was crowded in there, piling up on sofas, love seats, chairs, and bean bag chairs.

Alex was talking with Bruce and Harry at the table and Tellan was watching as Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bobby, Peter, Thor, and Tony played a video game.

"Hi, mommy!" Tellan waved when he saw me. "Auntie Nat took me to get some pancakes when I woke up!" 

"Were they good?" I asked with a smile on my face as I moved to stand behind the sofa, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"Yeah!" Tellan kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered to Natasha, putting my hand on her shoulder.

Alex's P.O.V.

"I'm not sure, Alex. It may be permanent or it may be just temporary." Bruce shrugged his shoulders. "All I can say right now is that taking things slowly will do you the best. Trying to remember every thing all at once might do more damage than good."

I nodded, running my fingers through my blonde hair.

"It just sucks ass." I then put my hands over my face and sighed. "It wouldn't be so bad, but I'm married and I've got a kid."

"Jasmine's the sweetest thing." Harry said. "She's got the biggest heart."

"And Tellan's just like her, very soft and kind." Bruce added.

"Just.... try to show Tellan that you might remember him." Harry's eyes drifted over to where the small bleach blonde boy sat between a large blonde man, Steve, and a small red headed woman, Natasha. Jasmine was standing behind Tellan, who was on the couch. "He's a lot smarter than he looks."

I nodded, my eyes falling back down to my hands on the table.

I could feel someone watching me, and I looked up to see it was Jasmine.

She gave me a soft smile and a light wave. I smiled back but quickly looked away.

"She's beautiful." I spoke aloud.

"She is." Harry agreed. "And she's madly in love with you, mate." He patted the table twice as he stood up and went over to Jasmine.

Harry greeted her and Jasmine shook her head, a forced smile coming to her lips.

"Believe it or not, Harry's jealous of you." Bruce said quietly. "He loves Jasmine, but not nearly as much as you." 

"It looks like they love each other." I mumbled,  looking down at my hands as the two embraced.

"Jasmine's very touchy feely. And Harry's her SHIELD partner. They're best friends."

"Why doesn't she go be with him then?" 

"Well, for one you've got a four year old son together. And two, she loved you long before Harry came around."  Bruce stood up and pushed his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose. "Talk to her a little, Alex. It might make you feel better."

I watched as he left, then my eyes went to Jasmine. Harry was now sitting on the arm of the couch and the big, muscly guy, Logan, was talking to Jasmine.

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