Chapter 14 (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I know, but-"


I turned around and gave a murderous look to Kingsley, who was at the top of the stairs holding his suitcase in one hand and my suitcase in the other, along with my duffel bag, which was around his neck, and my carry-on, underneath his arm. Dad started to chuckle

"You probably should go help him" dad suggested

I huffed and rolled my eyes and started stomping my way up to him, I reached Kingsley and saw he had a smirk on his face

"Did I interrupt wittle waywa in a daddy-daughter moment?" Kingsley said in his terrible baby voice

"Yes" I growled and grabbed my suitcase and carryon and walked down the steps.

I went outside and saw Daniel by a black SUV, I headed towards him, once I reached him, I set my things down

"Should I put my stuff in the back?" I asked him

"Yeah, here let me do it" he offered

"No, I got it, but thank you" I said while flashing him a smile, he shook his head and smiled

I grabbed my things and started loading the truck, a few minutes later Kingsley came out, we packed the truck together and got in the SUV.

"This was an interesting weekend" he said

"Yup" I said popping the 'p' "I wish we stayed a little longer though" I sighed

'I miss him' my wolf howled

'So do I'

'Why can't we tell dad that Xavier is our mate, then we can stay' she said

'I want to tell dad, but first I want to know what he's hiding from us. If we tell him that Xavier is our mate, then we will have to stay with him, for who knows how long' I told her

'But that's a good thing'

'No, lets find out what dad is worrying about first, then we'll tell him'


'Yes' I sighed

I cut of the mind link with my wolf, I felt the truck coming to a stop. I looked out the window and saw A brown brick 12 story luxurious Victorian church, surrounded by neatly trimmed trees and grass.
Tall pointed towers rose from the roof of the church, the windows surrounded the separate towers.
There were various brown, elegant doors leading towards the entrance of the church. I stepped outside the truck and breathed in and smelled a delectable scent. Xavier. I frantically looked around, but he was no where to be found.

"Layylaaa" Kingsley said, waving a hand in front of my face

"What" I said frustrated

"Where you paying attention to anything I said" he asked

"No, I was too busy smelling Xavier's scent"

"Wow, thanks for being honest" he said sarcastically

We walked into the church and I smiled, but instantly turned into a frown. I saw a Xavier looking down at a closed casket with a sad expression. I walked over to him and around the casket, he looked up and gave me a sad smile.

I smiled back "you know, he's in a good place with your aunt now" I said while reaching out and grabbing his hand

"I know, I just wanted to let him know I forgive him for everything" he said

I have his hand a light squeeze, I just wanted to pulled him into a hug and never let him go, but I can't.

"I need to go back, but hopefully I'll see you soon, um but I'll call you"

He nodded his head and I let go of his hand and walked away, but not without looking back and waving him a good bye. I saw Kingsley, Daniel, and dad all sitting in the 4th row, I sat in between dad and Kingsley.

"What where you doing over there by king Xavier?" Dad asks

"Just wishing him the best" I said

"Why were you gonna call him?"

"Why were you eavesdropping?" I countered back

"I was just curious what you guys are talking about, I see you guys together a lot" he said, eying me suspiciously

'TELL HIM' my wolf yelled

"I told him I'll call him if I see any rouges by our territory" I said in a 'duh' tone

"Okay, I'll call him, your not the alpha" he said

"Yet" I finished for him, then turned away and focused my attention on the funeral.

After the service was over, dad and Daniel went to Xavier to say their condolences, while Kingsley and I waited in the car. Dad didn't want me to go cause he wanted me to "watch the trucks", he's just doesn't want me to see Xavier.

"Hey Layla"

"Yes Kingsley?"

"Lets play a game"

"What kind of game?"

"Patty cake" he said happily

"Patty cake?" I said with one brow raised



We were playing party cake for about 5 minutes, then got bored and decided to walk around

"What do you think about Amanda Bynes?" I asked, right now, Kingsley and I were talking about stupid stuff like celebrities, gossip, etc...

"That bitch has got to be put on a leash, shes out of control. I think- do you smell that?" Kingsley suddenly asked

"Smell what?" I asked confusedly

"This heavenly smell, it smells like citrus and pineapples, I can't get enough of it"

He began to look everywhere, turning his head to the sides, desperately, then stopped and his eyes went wide.

**Authors Note**

Hey guys!

I'm sorry! I know its short, but I wanted to upload something, its been too long, but Im not feeling this chapter, but next chapter will be much better, I'll most likely upload next chapter over the weekend, depends if I have work, but I loved reading your comments from last chapter :). But, this week tell me what your favorite singer is, mines Lana Del Rey, I love her to death! But I also love Ariana Grande, they are both perf. Also, if you haven't, go check out my other book Unexpected. And I did change the way of spelling Layla's name, its officially spelled as Layla. And most of you want Layla to kick Robins ass, that will happen, but not know 😏. But, thanks for reading! Anyways....


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