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In 8:00 am Chelsea is was sleeping then her cellphone was alarmed. She get her cellphone and she look it . Then she open her cellphone and she was going to see was happened then she see is now 8:00 am in the morning . Then Chelsea going to the bathroom and she eat breakfast downstairs. Then her mother said, "Why you wear your uniform ". Chelsea said ," It is Friday". But her mother said " But it is Saturday". Chelsea was so upset that today is Saturday. Then someone knocked the door it was Charice she said Chelsea we have Intramural in school . Chelsea said Oh! I forgot wait first I will wear my T shirt. Then Chelsea and Charice are going to school this morning then Chelsea was slip by by the rock but she was ok because of Kyle Chelsea said Thank you for your help. Then they are now in the school there are playing games and have some but Charice didn't come she want to see together dating at school they have a wonderful fun together . Then they were so very tired. So they went home to their houses.

Mr. Popular meets Ms. NobodyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora