CHAPTER 16: Let's get This Party started!

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Shawn's puppy dog eyes were the first to be put to use. I bestowed upon him, the very tough job of convincing Ethan. He set off immediately to prove his worth. Ashton arrived in five minutes true to his word and settled down next to Vikki, who in turn edged away. A mischievous smirk grew on his face before he put his arm around her and pulled her back. Poor Vikki sighed and let it go as she knew it was completely useless to struggle.

"Wasn't so hard now, was it princess?" he asked tapping her nose, to which she growled and he laughed.

Shawn took this moment to enter, with Ethan tagging along behind him. Ethan looked all around the room before his eyes landed on me and they narrowed down to slits. To say he looked pissed would be an understatement. He was literally fuming. I could swear there was smoke coming from his ears, the worst part... it was directed at none other than me. I gulped and slowly got up pulling my crutches with me, cautiously staring at him the whole time.

"We can talk this out, no need to resort to violence" I said slowly, putting my hands in front of me. Annnddd..... he exploded.

"What the actual hell Gabriella! Do you have a freaking brain in that hollow skull of yours?"

Two comments on that one... RUDE! And if he called my skull hollow it means there is no brain, and he still asks me if there is. Pshh, no common sense in people nowadays.

"I don't know what your effin problem is in life, why the heck are you so hell bent on poking that obnoxiously large nose of yours into my... " Again, in every thing he said... Me? Large nose? Huh? Really? *gasps* I put my hand onto my nose to see if there was any problem with it, but it seemed fine to me.

"Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" Ethan's exasperated voice rings out. I shake my head before looking at him, to see him tilting his head to the side while his jaw twitched and his arms were crossed across his chest and he looked like he was restraining himself. Sorry to do it again but that's just how my thought process works... In all that, the only thing I picked up from my vision was... Damn! He had such nice flexing muscles on his arms.

Those muscles suddenly moved and a hand came for my face, while I was immobile. The hand then waved in front of my face. "Hello!" Ethan's voice woke me up from my trance.

"What were you saying?" I asked in a daze.

"Absolutely nothing!" he yelled, still angry.

"Dude, don't kill the poor girl" Ashton said from behind him. His eyes immediately widened as Ethan directed a very intense, deadly and lethal glare at him. Poor guy, he had a good run.

"Who would you be?" He questioned in a deadly calm voice as Ashton immediately put up his hands in surrender.

"Don't kill me" He squeaked out and Ethan closed his eyes and let out a sigh to calm himself down.

"What was the critical life changing thing you needed to tell me for which you made your brothers go to Mrs. Peterson's house and tell her that you were being ruthlessly murdered by me, after which she came running to my house and hit me with her umbrella calling me a bad boy and Lilly almost called my mother thinking I supposedly hurt her 'beloved sister' and the kids then went on to deflate my football and tear apart my homework in the name of avenging you?" he asked in a calm tone again with closed eyes. I swallowed hard this time and looked towards Conner and Shawn who stood innocently at the doorway while blinking their big eyes at me. Innocent, my a**. I wanted to be furious right now, but fear was overwhelming my emotions. Oh those evil masterminds lived up to their title.

"Was there any reason at all?!" Ethan asked again his voice raising from before. Ok Gabby, you have to speak up.

"Yes" I WANTED to say calmly but it came out as a squeak. I immediately cleared my throat and spoke again. "Yes, there is." I said gravely. He tapped his foot waiting, with his arms crossed again. Divert. Attention. From. Muscles!

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