"It's not a crime Miss Rivers, murder is."

"I did not KILL Alex." I spat at the idiot officer.

"I am going to go through every piece of evidence that I can to lock you up Miss Rivers. I don't let murderers walk." He says and gets up from the table.

He leaves, slamming the door shut. Well damn... May need mommy dearest after all. I don't understand why this guy doesn't get I have a rock hard alibi, and so does Daniel. It takes another hour and the officer comes back. He is serious now and puts his fists on the table.

"Do you own a gun Miss Rivers?" He asks evenly.

"No." I say evenly back.

"Do you have access to one, Miss Rivers?"

"No." I say without a thought.

"Liar." The officer says.

"Excuse me?"

"You have access to a gun. Mr. Wade has a gun in his beach house." He says.

"Some people have a gun, others have home security systems." I say now bored.

"Only a gun killed Alex Banner though." Says the officer.

"I was not aware Daniel had a gun, plus he was with me all night!" I say.

"Sure he was." Says the officer laying on the sarcasm.

"I don't appreciate your tone, officer." I say annoyed now.

"I don't like killers."

"Neither do I." I say defiantly.

"Miss Rivers, do you know what gun powder residue is?" The officer says as he opens the door for another officer carrying a kit.

"Anyone who has seen CSI knows what it is, officer." I say in a bitchy tone.

"Good! Then you know how it works!" The officer says putting on a fake grin.

The other officer opens the kit. She gets some bottles and such out of her box and nods to the asshole officer questioning me.

"Hold out both hands please." Says the lab officer.

"If that glows then you fired the gun that killed Alex Banner." Says asshole cop.

We wait and then finally the swab never turns color.

"She is innocent, she never fired the gun." Says the lab officer.

"Told you so." I say to the asshole officer.

The asshole officer looks at the lab officer and scowls. That means Daniel must have tested negative too. Then the officer gets an idea.

"Strip Miss Rivers." The officer says.

"Why in the hell would I do that?" I say calmly.

"Because if you washed your hands after the shot was fired, it comes off, well most of it. BUT if you touched any part of your dress before washing your hands, then the residue will still be present." Says asshole cop.

"Sir I can use a UV light to detect that." Says the Lab Officer.

"Do it then." Says asshole cop.

The lab officer pulls out a light and starts shining it around. Nothing glows. The officer gets pissed and walks out slamming the door. The lab officer packs up and leaves also.

Maybe now that officer will leave me alone. It's almost 1 AM now. I am tired and pissed. When can I go!? I decide to get up and knock on the huge glass window that I'm sure are people on the other side.

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