letters to the author

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dear mr. min,

- after reading your series of books, I instantly fell in love with your writing. as I got to know more about you as an author , I couldn't help but relate to must of your complaints about sleeping.

but now I write to you cause I'm afraid my heart might burst out of my chest when you publish the last book.

mr. min, please don't make my heart ache, with your words and your smile that I will never see in person.


-min yoongi; a famous young adult author who goes out way too much, but always complains about not sleeping

-park jimin; a normal college drop out who works at the local Starbucks. the complete opposite of min yoongi, jimin would rather do things himself than to ask for someone's help. he would rather lock himself in his room and read than to go out and meet people.

on a lonely night, jimin emails his favorite author who happens to be min yoongi; but he can't believe his eyes when he receives a reply. but sadly its not from him.

not giving up, jimin continues to write to the author as if he was his diary. jimin sends him letters thinking that yoongi never checks them but in reality, he reads every single one.

and enjoys every single thing written by the boy.

"its amazing the power that words can have. they can bring us together or either break us. but jimin, please don't let go of the love I cherish, please tell me we were brought together by destiny."

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