I pull open the door as Harry comes into the hallway.

"Cheri, what are you doing?" he says frustrated.

"Going for a walk," I say simply.

"You can't go for a walk at this time of night!"

"Well I am" I say shutting the door in his face.

I quickly run down the front door stairs and turn to the left when I get to the street. I know Harry will be coming in a few minutes to try and find me so I'll have to walk fast. No way would he let me wander around the city at night on my own.

The streets are quiet and I can't see anyone else around and I suddenly wish I was back in the warm bed with Harry.

I keep walking though, not caring where I'm going till I get to Small Park with a lake. Nobody else is around so I decide to go in it.

The sky reflects off the lake so you can see the moon and stars through the water of the lake. If I had my camera I would have taken a photo, it looked amazing. . Lily would love to come here, she could paddle by the edge of the lake when it's hot.

From the corner of my eye I see a shape move in the water. Startled, I suddenly realise it's just a small fish

I sit on the grass for a while, watching the ripples of the water until I hear a noise from behind me. Immediately I jump up alarmed, who else would be in the park at this time of night?

Dozens of scenarios play through my head, nobody knows I'm here so any thing could happen and I would be defenceless.

I start to panic when I hear footsteps behind me and I quickly whip around to see a dark shadow.

Before I can let out a scream, the person slowly comes out of the darkness. I look at them in confusion, there stood an old frail man clutching his walking stick.

"H-Hello?" he says uncertainly.

I give him a reassuring smile when I realises he's not going to attack me. He's an old man for goodness sake, what's he going to do, karate-chop me with his walking stick?

"What are you doing I out here so late?" I ask him, maybe he's lost. Why else would he be in the park around now?

"I could ask you the same thing", he says chuckling.

"I'm just thinking," I say "What about you then?" I say curiously.

"Me and my wife used to come to this park. It reminds me of her, plus its peaceful here," he says smiling sadly while looking at the lake

"Why at night though?" I say.

"It's quieter" he replies and I nod in agreement.

It is peaceful here, especially at night, I can't hear a single thing apart from the small waves of water.

We're both silent for a few minutes both caught in our own thoughts until he looks over the park and towards the end of the street "Does that young man happen to be looking for you?" he asks.

I look over to see Harry speed walking down the street and looking around in different directions as if to try and spot me.

"Oh no" I say rolling my eyes.

"He looks worried" the old man comments.

"He should be" I mutter still annoyed at him.

"I've got to go," the old man says looking down at his watch "But I hope you can make up before it's too late". I open my mouth to ask him what he means but he's already gone.

I turn round to see Harry has spotted me in the park.

"Cheri!" Harry calls relieved, he starts to run toward me and I have an urge to run off but that would be a bit too mean.

He pulls me into a tight hug as soon as he gets to me.

"I thought something had happened to you," he whispers into my hair "Why did you run off like that".

I sigh "I was annoyed, I needed to think"

Harry pulls me out of the hug and looks at me "I know but I never meant to hurt you Cheri, you should have told me".

"How could I have told you I like you when you were already in a relationship" I exclaim.

Harry looks away guilty "Let me make it up to you".

"How?" I say incredulously.

"Let me take you on a date".


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p.s I will all love you loads if you go check out my new book, it's a Harry Styles 'Nerd' fanfic x

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