Chapter 20- Sisterly Questions

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  "No way. Hell no" Katia shouted. Cristiano watched as his sisters digested what he had just told them. "Katia" Cristiano said. "It's not happening Cristiano" she replied and stared out the window. She watched as Rodrigo ran around the garden with Molly chasing after him. "The babysitter" she said. "You picked the only person my son likes to be your incubator for nine months" she said.

"It doesn't matter anyway. You'll have to find someone else if he moves to Madrid in the summer" Zé said. "The fact that he agrees with you should tell you that it's a stupid idea" Katia said looking at her ex husband. "Hey you used to like my ideas" Zé smirked. "The word been used to" she said. "How did you get her to agree?" Elma asked. "It doesn't matter" Cristiano said. "Yes it does. Molly is smart. What did you do to make her even think about doing this?" Elma asked. "I didn't do anything to her" Cristiano said angrily.

"Cristiano I said I'd support you through all this. I even said I'd try and make Máe see things from your point of view. But do that I have to know the truth" she said.

"Just tell them" Zé said. "I'm paying her" Cristiano whispered. "Excuse me. Did you just say that you are paying her?" Katia said. "Oh sis you are stupid sometimes. Of course he is paying her" Elma said earning a fig in the side for Katia. "What I want to know is why she is doing it? Molly never came across as someone who was all about money. Why has she changed now?" Elma asked. "Why can't she just want the money?" Zé said.

"Because the women who do this surrogacy thing do because they want to help people who can't have children. Molly is young. Too young. Why is she doing this?" Elma asked once more. "She needed a debt paid off. Her parents got into trouble and she was left to sort it" Cristiano said. "So you'll pay the money in exchange for her having your baby" Katia said and he nodded. "No way Cristiano. You can't use a desperate girl like that. It's not going to happen" Katia said. "It's too late. It's already happening" he said. "He paid the money already" Zé said.

"When?" Elma asked, "This morning" Cristiano said running a hand through his hair.

"And what's going to happen now?" Katia asked. "Jorge found a doctor in Lisbon. I was hoping Molly will go see him when you go back to Lisbon" he said looking at Katia. "And I'm meant to take her" she said. "I would like that please" he said. "And when are you planning on telling Máe?" Elma asked. "When she's pregnant obviously" Elma snorted.

"Actually" Cristiano said. "Oh for heaven sake. You are such a wimp" Katia said. "Máe is going to freak" Elma said. "Look everything is organized. Molly is going back to Lisbon with Katia and she'll go to see the doctor to get things started. "And I assume you want me to go to the doctors with her" Katia said. "I would appreciate that yes" he said. "Someone has to go to make sure things don't get messed up" Elma said. "And what happens afterwards. If she gets pregnant. What happens then?" Katia asked. "Why wouldn't she get pregnant? And we'll cross that bridge when it comes" he said.

"Cris just because she is young doesn't mean she'll get pregnant. You know nothing about her health for heaven sake" Katia said. "How is she meant to have a normal life when she is pregnant and can't tell anyone?" Elma asked. He shrugged.

He already had an apartment arranged for her to stay near his house. He couldn't risk Tony breaking into her apartment again. He couldn't risk her or his baby. Plus he would be near her if she needed something. Although he was beginning to think it might be best if she didn't stay in Manchester for a while.

"And what does her boyfriend think about all this?" Elma asked.

"Boyfriend" Cristiano spitting out his drink.  

You, Me and Baby- A Cristiano Ronaldo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now