Chapter 11/ Missing

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'You can't find Cindy?' Kevin yells
You shake your head no and fall to the floor.
Then you get a text.
??: Cindy is here, with me , in very bad condition, I suggest you bring her little boyfriend.
Y/n: Why are you doing this, and who are you!?
??:oh, you know me y/n , think about Central middle school.
You drop your phone and stare in shock.
It couldn't be. Not Timothy* her ex boyfriend.
'What's wrong y/n, where is Cindy!'
'Daniel I don't know, it's her sadistic ex boyfriend, he has her , and he wants you to come.'
'I'll do anything, for my Cindy. '
'But Daniel, you have to understand, he is crazy, we're not letting you go to his house.'
'Wait, if you guys live Cali, how did he know to come to Texas, and how did he come?' Kevin asks

Cindy's Instagram post.
A picture of a bar and grill location.
Caption: hey digaz! Come meet us at luli's bar & grill in San Antonio TX @ 12 PM Saturday August 11th! Can't wait to meet you guys!

Flashback Over||

'He must of saw her Instagram post!'
'Uggghhh, why did she let that knuckle head still see her posts!' Daniel says frustrated
'Daniel , it's not her fault, she is happy with you, so she wasn't worrying about him, all the other times she worries on what the next trick up his sleeve is going to be.'
Daniel starts getting teary-eyed.
Mama Shana comes over.
'What's wrong?!' She asks worried
You didn't want to tell her, you felt like it was going to be your fault, her mom trusted you with her soul.
'Cindy was kidnapped.' You say balling.
Mama Shana's mouth drops open.
'Well , how do you know?'
'Her ex boyfriend texted me saying she is with him.'
Mom, he lives in Cali, and we go to Cali in one week.' Devin says loudly
'Well , how do we know he is back in Cali?.' Kevin and Daniel say in unison
'I just know, trust me.' You say
'Well can we go earlier mom?' Devin asks
'You guys are not going to that psycho man's house!' Mama shana exclaims.

If you guys did my voting
poll, Timothy was one of the
contestants. But there will
be another poll!

Lucky Love /The Bomb Digzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن