I WAS TAGGED (not an update)

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Heeeey first of all I want to say that I'm really sorry for not updating in a really long time. I kinda forgot my stories at school. :-) cause I write them on paper. Aaaaanywhoo I was tagged by one of my good friends Coeurdevelour . This tag was originally in French so I hope you don't mind if I did it in English .. if you do DM me and I'll redo it in French. :-).

1- You need to mention the rules.
Lol already doing it

2- Tag 13 other people.
Well I'm not popular but I'll try!

3- You must answer all 13 questions and re-post 13 NEW questions.
Eeuuh ook I'll try.

4- You HAVE to tag 13 people. Its an obligation.
Right OK I guess till try that too.

5- You must re-tag within a week that you were tagged.
Yeah you tagged me yesterday sooo I guess I'm good lol

6- Be creative.
Geez I'm no THAT creative but I'll try.



1- Are you older than 15?
No I'm nearly 14

2- Mc. Do. Or KFC?

3- What's your favorite color?

4- Where do you imagine yourself in ten years?
Well, I'll be 24 years old so since I want to be a microbiologist I guess I'll be at a good university.

5- Who's your favorite singer?
Eesh hard question. I have so many. OK top 3:
Brendon Urie
Dan Smith (from Bastille)
Joel Adams

6- What's your favorite movie?
Well I have three 1-Gods of Egypt (witch I just saw on Sunday) 2- All 'The lord of the rings/Hobbit' and 'Jurrasic world' And 'civil war - captain America

7- What's your eye color?

8- Where are you right NOW?
In my room. On my bed. In my PJs.

9- Favorite food?
Eeeeeuuhh maybe hamburgers and PIEEE (if you understand this reference we are now best friends)

10- What are you doing in school in math at this moment?
Circles and all that crap.

11- Do you like music?
You're seriously asking me that question? You know me MUSIC IS LIFE!!!!!

12- Do you by any chance play a music instrument?
Yes I play the guitar.

13- Someone just gave you a banana how would you thank this person?
Well thank you for this great banana I was really hungry and you made my day!!!

Yaaaaayy finally done so here are now the 13 other questions

1- Favorite actor?
2- Favorite song?
3- Favorite boy band?
4- Favorite TV show?
5- What fandom are you in at this moment?
6- Favorite avenger/Bucky/Loki?
7- What do you do in your free time?
8- Best friend?
9- What are your thoughts on Bucky Barnes?
9- If you don't know who Bucky is then what are your thought on any avenger in general?
10- Do you watch supernatural?
11- Who is bae?
12- Hair color?
13- Do you like to read?


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