Making a difference.

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This isnt a story or anything. I have been reading Six Billion Secrets alot and I just feel the NEED to get this out in the world.  

       I want to make a difference in the world. I want to help everyone who has been wronged. I want to stop abortions. I want to stop abuse. I want to stop killers. I want to stop everything that is wrong in the world, but I can't do it alone. People need to realize right from wrong and start standing up for other people.

I'm tired of hearing that a little boy or girl has just killed themselves because of bullying, family issues, no friends, etc. I'm tired of hearing about girls and boys who feel the need to change because society tells them that what makes THEM happy in THEIR lives is wrong.

      Who cares if you're gay or over weight. Who cares if you aren't the smartest person in the world. Who cares if you don't have the newest trends. Who cares if you aren't the prettiest/hottest person at your school? Who cares what color your skin is or where you're from? Who cares what religion you are? Who cares what political team you root for? I can go on and on.

What if someone told you that you couldn't be with the person you are in love with because its wrong and you "are going to go to hell for it". Would you just stand there and take it? Then why do you expect gay people to? What if someone came up to you and just started beating the crap out of you or even just putting you down mentally. How would you feel? What if someone came up to you and told you everything that you believe it is wrong and stupid? What is WRONG with the world these days? Kids, left and right, are cutting them selves, starving themselves, making plans to KILL themselves, and still people don't believe them, or even if they do, don't care.

      When you put people down, just think about all those people who are suffering, think about all of the people who think life isn't worth living anymore. Think about how what you say/do to them might push them over the edge. YOU would be at fault, not anyone else. I'm not saying everyone is at fault right now, but a lot of people are. I try so hard to focus on everything good in the world but in order to do that, we have to help stop the bad.

      If you know anyone is in trouble, GET THEM HELP! By just standing there and letting it happen, it is like YOU are doing it to them. Even if you are scared of what they might think, in the end, if you care about them, you will put their happiness (or if the trouble makes them happy) their safety above yourself.

If anyone ever needs help, or someone to talk to, or even a shoulder to cry on, (even if I don't talk to you that much or we don't get along) I WILL listen, I WILL be there for you.

      I want to better the world, not for myself, but for all of the people out there who are being affected by the bad stuff. I want to better the world for my children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Is this really that hard to ask for?

So... Is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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