CHAPTER 17:~~~Toss the Ruto~~~

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Yay I’m actually writing this again because I needed something to do with life besides fandoms…I guess this still counts for fandoms though…what the hell ever. Enjoy!

            Link went back inside and down the stairs towards the entry point that he knew led to the place where Medli had told him to go.

   ‘I suppose I should’ve told Refsteus where this was also…nah’ Link dismissed that thought.

   Link exited the main Ruto ‘hub’ and was met with a very hot and dry wind straight to the face. Dust got in his eyes and ashes from the volcano hit against his face.

    ‘Okaaayy did not want this…what’s even in this place…like five wilted bomb flowers and a couple of rocks…wonderful.

   Turning to his left he saw what appeared to be the beginning of a bridge spanning across the drop where the pond used to be.  He could see the other side of the broken bridge and using his telescope he saw some live bomb flowers on the other side, protected from the heated wind by the walls of the cave around it.

  “Link! Link over here!!!” Medli was down below, waving to get Link’s attention, “Use the broken bridge to climb down here Link! I need your help with something important!”

   Link climbed down and ran up to where she was standing.

  “Hey, you actually came! I wasn’t betting on you actually showing up, so thanks a lot for coming down to this hell hole! I wouldn’t ask to bring you down here if it wasn’t really important so bear with this heat a little longer. It must be hard on you, seeing as you’re wearing those clothes…” Medli looked worryingly at his attire.

   “Yah yah, I’ve had enough about these here clothes, so what did’ya bring me down here for anyways?”

   “Well…This place, as you may have already guessed, used to be a lovely spring, but ever since Valoo has become so violent…he shook the mountaintop and a boulder crashed down into the spring, clogging the water hole. You can see the result.”

   “And since those bomb flowars are wilted you can’t blow up the rock to fill the spring back up?” Link asked.

    “Yes, but that’s not the reason we’re here for, I mean, it’s why YOU’RE here, but not why I am…anyways, how’d it go with the Prince?” Medli inquired.

    Link’s nose crinkled up and his ugly face began to show, “He yelled about his grandmother and threw a feathered pillow at my face.”

   “oh…well I may be partially to blame for that, you see, his grandmother was Valoo’s attendant, and could speak his ancient language. His grandmother actually came through here to try to calm the Great Valoo down, but when she reached him…Valoo exploded in a fit of rage and charred her with his powerful flames…we told Komali that she died from the fallen rock though…*sniffle*…I was her assistant. She taught me a little bit of the ancient language but…she was the real deal…amazing she was…I’m sorry, it’s just so…tragic.” Medli wiped her damp eyes. (wait do ruto’s have skin or feathers everywhere)

   ‘Aged fried chicken sounds good right now…gosh dammit what’s wrong with me

“I’m uh sorry about that…” Link said awkwardly.

   “Ahh if I was as strong as she was perhaps Komali would feel more secure and have more faith…anyways, I need to go to a small shrine inside of the volcano cavern for my apprenticeship meditation training but as you can see the wooden bridge connecting the entrance to the cavern to where you came from was exposed to the hot ash and violent wind to much, and it collapsed.” Medli explained.

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