Chapter XXII

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Author's note: Hay guyz, I'm back with another update. Someone did ask me if I had an update schedule, and I don't, but I can promise you that I'll update at least once a week. I was just excited about this chapter because it's fun, and plus, the last chapter was kind of a bore, so I wanted to update ASAP. There's not that much left to this story (even though it seems like their story hasn't even started). So thank you for sticking around and reading my ridiculously long author's note and this story. Thank you so much for your lovely feedback; I love it all. ENJOY, x.


Without missing a beat, Harry asked, "Michal is coming to the wedding after all. Would you like to accompany me at the wedding?"

I smiled uneasily at him.

Going to weddings together was a relationship thing. It was something that you usually did with your partner. And Harry and I being in an unsettled place, I wasn't sure what to think of his question.

"No pressure," he added charmingly.

"We're not dating," I blurted out. Damn, my damn mouth.

He looked at me with an undistinguishable look. I wasn't sure what he was going to say next.

"Would you like to?" he completely avoided making the conversation awkward, and instead, decided to be cheeky. A man after my own heart.

Except because Harry was so relaxed and cheeky about the situation, I immediately tensed up. Although admittedly, I was usually a bit tense around him; it was weird trying to get myself to relax around Harry.

I wasn't sure if this was a game of cat and mouse for Harry. I wasn't sure if this was a game of cat and mouse for me, either. I wasn't sure what to think of the two of us. Surely enough, it was pretty much confirmed that we liked each other, but sometimes that wasn't enough. Sometimes, it was better to think with your brain than heart, how ever much you want your heart to be right. And in my situation with Harry, my brain was searching for the abort button. But my heart was hiding it away.

Harry Styles was a majestically complicated person. Being in the spotlight since he was in his teens, he was used to the media peering into his life. He let other people take control of his life from a young age. However, he always had stable life back home, where he would stay grounded. So he somehow managed to stay levelheaded while being in a multi million-dollar band: Harry was the eighth world wonder.

"Don't overthink it," he said while it was taking me some time to come up with a response.

Of course I was overthinking it.

"Do what your heart tells you to," he continued on.

I can't listen to my heart, it'd be illogical.

"Because it makes sense," he kept on rambling while is stayed silent.

But does it?

"Because you keep me humble. Because you make me want to be a better version of myself," he announced.

Now I felt uncomfortable, even more than before, if that was possible.

"Please say something," he pleaded.

"This is all new for me," I said trying to fill the small area with my awkward voice. "I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this."

As soon as I said that, his face fell. His face fell fifty stories.

"It's not a bad thing," I tried to recover myself from the pitfall. "It's not that I don't like you, I do."

Harry let out a big sigh of relief.

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