Chapter 19: Maybe I might forgive him

Start from the beginning

"I'll show you!" Jeff perked taking out his phone

He went to a video and clicked on it. Instantly, I showed up in that video, watching my first kill with the rest. They seemed amused.

Well of course they are. They. Are. Killers. What did you expect?

Oh shut up stupid voice!

I quickly began watching the video again also amused by my work. Sadly, the video ended. I look up at everyone to see them shocked and happy. I looked at Slender who was clapping his hands and somehow smiling

"Well done, child. Even though I had other people in mind for your first kill, you still made me happy" He chuckled disappearing right after

I smile, faintly and look to the mansion doors. Ej caught my gaze and so did everybody else. They knew what I meant

"But you just came here Y/n" Sally whined trying to get LJ to put her down

"Sorry Sally. But I have to. If you want to visit me, you can. You already know where I live, you cute little stowaway" I giggled and she did as well. I turned back to the others and smiled

"In fact, all of you could visit! There are some parts of the mansion I haven't seen so I pretty much I will be amazed as you" I say placing my hands in my short's pockets

They cheered and hugged me tightly. This hug wasn't too tight though. After that, I said my goodbyes to everyone and made sure to turn back human before I left

At the mansion

I flopped on my couch and turned on the TV. The news instantly popped up

Warning: There has been the murder of Claire Fellina, an eighteen year old with two other girls who were found in the highly rumored Slenderman woods. Their bodies were dumped on the floor and their hearts have been destroyed. On one of the girl's stomach, was the name of Lifeless Rose. We have no identity but lock your doors and windows at night. In other news-

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