Chapter 24-It's All A Lie

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Avia's POV

"Actually Avia,I just needed to talk to you." I looked at her confused.

"Oh,uh okay but after we talk can we still take pictures?" She smirked at me and walked closer to me. I gave a toothless smile as she put her hands on my shoulders.

"Avia,I said no about cliffdiving right?" I nodded my head. "Good,so you get that when you keep bugging me about something that you shouldn't do,you are risking your own life."

"Okay mom,I won't do it again." I said turning around to look at the sunset.

She forcefully turned me around so I was facing her. "You think this is some damn game?!" She quietly yelled at me.

"Mom what are you doing!" I screamed at her.

"Doing what I should've done years ago!" She said trying to push me toward the edge of the cliff."

I screamed as loud as I could,but she quickly covered my mouth so my screams were muffled.

"Mom stop!" I tried yelling,but she kept continuing to push me. I threw her hand off my mouth and yelled at her,"I thought you loved us! I thought you loved me!" She chuckled and let me go.


I quickly tried to sprint away from her but she quickly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down.

"I mean,you could run away and I kill you now,or you can hear the story,then I kill you."

"What story!" I practically yelled at her.

"Oh you know,the true story of you kids and why you got injured at cheer."

"We already know the true story of us,you told us remember? I don't need to hear it twice." I said sitting up.

"Or do you? Avia,your dad doesn't even know." I can't believe this. I'm sitting here,at the edge of a cliff practically waiting for my death.

If you run now,she might not be able to catch you. You're younger,faster than her. Right?

I began playing with the dirt on the ground as mom talked about her story.

"You know what I like Avia? Attention. I like fame,I like money,I like attention."

"Wow,please tell me more." I said sarcastically.

"Just letting you know that I could kill you right now. So its either you want to hear this damn story and spend a few more minutes alive,then I suggest you listen." I continued playing with the dirt as I wrote my name into the dirt.

"Yes,if there's anything I crave more than attention,it's money. Money is the solution to everything from what I learned. Money finds you a better life, better things, better everything. You know Avia,money is really the only thing we should depend on."

"What about God? What about family?" I asked turning to her.

She scoffed and continued. "You really think I give a damn about God? A damn about family? What the hell can we get through family! You have to waste more money on family if anything!"

I was on edge. She doesn't care about us, not even our savior, all she wants is money? What the hell is wrong with this woman. I balled dirt in my fist but quickly let it fall,wanting to hear more to this story.

"So I left Shay for a few months after we got married. Looking for a job for of course money to get us through our lives. I went to Arizona looking for a better job,and possibly a better husband than Shay at the time."

"A better husband? A better husband mom?! No one,and I mean no one will ever be able to replace dad! Dad is the best husband anyone could ever have so what do you mean a better husband" I shouted at her. Without thinking,I grabbed a fistful of dirt and threw it right at her face. I immediately shot up with her still trying to wipe the dirt out of her eyes.

"You son of a-" I ran down before she could shout her profanity at me. I sprinted down the cliff as fast as I could,I turned around but saw nothing behind me. The sun had set and there were absolutely no lights whatsoever.

I squinted through the darkness as I saw a light coming close,it was most likely the resturaunt we were at as we came up the cliff.

"Come on Avia,come on Av-" As I was shouting small encouragements to myself,I tripped on one of those holes. I fell onto my hands and pain shot through my leg. Before I could get up,someone or something else, tripped on me.

"Shit!" I'm assuming mom exclaimed. I struggled to get up before I was grabbed by the arm and a hand covered my mouth. Once again,muffled screams were all that could be heard.

"Let go of me!" I shouted at her,but only she could hear. I was kicking my legs and thrashing around,but I couldn't escape her grip.

She stopped at the top of the cliff,both of us out of breath.  "Please mom, please just tell me the story and you can do whatever you want to me after,please." I said kneeling down. She pulled me straight up and faced me.

"You have tried my patience Avia. I am done with you."

"Please mom!" I shouted at her with tears now streaming down my face.

"Avia." Mom said tapping at my chest causing me to step back a little.

"I never wanted you. I never liked you. I never loved you. I never believed in you." After each sentence she tapped my chest and stepped forward,making me go to practically the edge of the cliff.

"I hate you. I will never,ever consider you as my daughter. Because you know what? You are a worthless piece of shit!"

And with her last sentence,she caused me to stumble down the cliff and fall backwards toward the pitch black sea.

It's All a LieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant