13 "I will Survive"

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Ariel P.O.V

I slowly moved around, my breath hitching as I heard the slow and steady beeping of the machine next to me.

I moved a finger, lifting it slowly and putting it back down, the weight on my finger was heavy.

What the heck had happend?!

I turn my head over feeling a sharp pain move down my side,I wanted to take in my surroundings which are noticeably a hospital room, someone was sitting next to me with their hands covering their eyes.

I looked at the person sitting in the seat next to me a lot more closely and nearly yelled, I smiled as best I could , "Mom"?

"Oh my! Sweetie youre awake"!! She said jumping up to call a doctor, I could see her speaking on the phone excitedly, smiling and glancing over at me.

I moved my mouth to speak but my words just croaked my throat was extremly dry, it felt like I haven't had water in years, well that's probably over dramatic I'd say months.

" What happend"? I managed to get out, as I slowly turned my head in another direction.

"You don't remember"? She asked a worried expression growing onto her face, I mean I could try to remember.

I closed my eyes, sighing as I tried to think about what happened last.

" Im serious Jack leave me alone"


These are the only words I can remember, I guess I blacked out.

"Uhm, not most of it". I spoke as I looked at her expression change, then back to a pity one.

"You got hit by a car sweetie you have a broken arm, a sprang in your ankle, and a rip in your rib cage but only a slight one don't worry".

My breath hitched for the second time today, what- how am I- Am I ever going to get better now?

"Mom, how long would it take for me to heal"? I asked now forcing myself to lay straight, too scared to pull myself up.

"About 3 months to a year". she said I sighed and continued looking at the ceiling, she says it like that'll be in no time.

"Physical therapy needs to be taken also". She spoke, as she made her way back to her seat that she's left unaccompanied since I woke.

"Have any of my friends came to see me"? I asked with a still groggy voice, I can't believe my mom would've let them see me like this especially Paula.

"Well of course sweety but they couldn't come in then because only family could you, you were under immidate and strict supervision."

"Do you think I would be able to see them now"? I questioned, they have already seen me in this worrisome state, hopefully they could make me happier.

"Sure, i'll go tell them to come in".

She smiled at me and then got up to walk out, a few minutes later in walked Paula and Jack Johnson.

"Hey you guys". I spoke groggily sadly, but I pulled on my best smile.

"Hey, I'm so happy you're okay"! As soon as the words left Paula's lips she smiled and gave me the softest of hugs.

If that's what you'd even call it.

"Yeah me too, Jack hasn't been the same". He spoke, as he sat down in the chair my mom was sitting in when I woke.

"By that you mean"?

"I'm sorry I mean, he's been in his room most of the time he thinks that all of this is his fault, he thinks if he wouldn't have made you so mad you'd still be okay".

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