Chapter 23

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So for some reason this entire chapter was posted from my word document onto Wattpad without spaces in between the words.... super fricking annoying and don't worry I AM AWARE. I understand how annoying it is to try and read and I am in the process of editing however, girl has Corona and girl is waaaaaay too weak to edit in goddamn spaces right now. So hope you guys don't totally hate me- I will fix it soon I promise! The rest of the chapters are fine I'm presuming.... idk let me know. Lots of love!

Two weeks had passed swiftly since the whole London fiasco. The weather had become icier, with a whole lot of snow, just like Kate, my weather-predicting bestfriend had informed me.

It had been nice at first. The first glittery flakes of snow falling daintily from the sky, slowly covering the ground in layer after layer of white. The excited cheers when everyone was let-out of class to celebrate the snow that, at the time, could barely be passed off as sleet.

And I remembered thinking firstly, British kids still get excited over snow? Followed by, you call this snow? We get more of this back home.

But boy did I speak too soon. Because then it came. It fell fast and thick, burying the school and everything else under a blanket of fluffy slush.

And that's when it begun to lose its appeal. Because then all you could focus on was the cold air paralyzed your limbs, or the slick ground that I lost my footing on more than once, or being trapped inside a castle of a school because transport was near to impossible.

And that was precisely what I was thinking when I marched into the music room on a Thursday afternoon, cheeks and nose red, and my scarf wrapped so tightly around my throat that I was starting to feel a little lightheaded.

I let out a sigh of relief when I was enveloped in a hug of heat, which slowly brought feeling back into my nose and ears.

Stripping off my thick coat, I made my way across the wooden floor towards the piano.

I had gotten into a routine of playing, coming every afternoon at four. It was a convenient time for me and helped me unwind after the day. Plus, I had to book the room as Connor had so happily informed me in my first couple of weeks there, so it was just easier etching my name down in the same time slot for every day of the week.

Pulling my hair back into a low ponytail, I opened the piano lid and let my fingers brush against keys; minor chords, melodies and sustained notes floating through the air and soothing me.

I had only been playing and singing, for about ten minutes when a knock at the door interrupted me. "Come in,"I called, leaning back on the black stool.

I was graced with the presence of Connor, his hazel eyes smirking in that way of his, as he popped his head through the door.

"You know I hate to inform you of this, but there's actually a schedule plan on the wall outside. You can book a time there if you'd like?" I gave him a sweet smile, throwing his words back in his face.

He raised an amused eyebrow. "My country, my school— thus, my piano room."

I rolled my eyes.

"What happened to diplomacy? Freedom and rights? Pretty sure that's a part of your country too."

He shrugged. "Meh. Use it when we feel like it."

Connor and I had formed a comfortable and easy friendship of late, day by day slowly getting more acquainted with each other. I liked him. He was funny and easy-going and kind.

I often found myself bantering with him in the hallways or cafeteria, or even right there in the piano room, chuckling at his witty remarks and light teasing. He was just an easy person, confident in conversing.

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