Chapter 12: I need her

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"Hey Babe" my girlfriend, Angela, greeted me as I walked into the house. Yes, I officially made her mine after a year of us talking. She has been there for me every step of the way but I feel bad that I can't give her all of my love. She deserves way more than what I can offer her.

We have been dating for almost two years and it's been pretty good. Little arguments here and there but nothing to serious. I like our relationship but i always have this gut feeling that something is missing. The kisses are soft and sweet but they don't make my butterflies wake up. They just make them go back to bed. Sigh.

I most likely will never feel that sensation again. I miss her.

She is the only one who could do this to me. She has probably long moved on by now.

"Hey" I replied back and kissed her on the lips. Nothing.

"How was work?" She asked next. I've been promoted to manager, so now there is a lot more paperwork but at the least the pay is amazing. Meanwhile, Angela has been working at the shopping center in Forever 21. I also took on another job at Mcdonalds just to help bring in extra money.

"Eh, it was okay" I responded truthfully. During the first year of our relationship, we moved in together. Her house was a bit bigger than my apartment. She has two floors. The first floor consisted of the kitchen, living room, dining room, and bathroom. The second floor has two bedrooms, one being ours and then the guest room and then outside the room was our bathroom and shower.

I ran upstairs, to get ready for my shift at Mcdonalds. I put on my uniform shirt and hat with the golden arch logo but kept on my black skinny jeans. Making sure I had my wallet, phone and keys, I headed back downstairs. I grabbed an apple off the counter and kissed Angela goodbye. Running out the door, I hopped into my all black Dodge Challenger and headed to work.

Pulling into my parking spot, I got out and went through the back. Signing in, I said wassup to Kay. She is the only other person I talk to besides Angela. I'd rather just stay in my own bubble than communicate with others just for them to leave. Once Kiara left, I haven't really made it my mission to meet other people. Every girl that tried to flirt was instantly shut down. They would either get upset and try to get their friends on me or would walk away. Angela thought, was an exception. That day, was Kiara and I's anniversary, so I was feeling down more than ever. She was the only one who stood out, I don't know why though. We have chemistry. Just not the type of chemistry I was hoping for. I wish it was more. I wish I could return her love.

Kay is a stud too. We met because we both started working on the same day. She is good looking but it's nothing more than a friendship. We kissed before I had made it official with Angela, but that shit didn't feel right. There were no hard feelings. She is cool and is one of those studs that have endless chicks lined up. But hey that's her thing. It's not like she is a player because she isn't dating any of them but they throw themselves at her. She knows about all the stuff about Kiara, mainly because I was still a wreck. She was really cool about it and I appreciated that because she never judged me. I needed a friend and she was there.

We began our shift occasionally joking and laughing with one another since we both had register

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We began our shift occasionally joking and laughing with one another since we both had register.

"Yo but I'm telling you she had a fat ass" she continued to explain about this girl she met last night at the club. I put my head down and just laughed at her not bothering to comment on her foolishness.

"Can I have a sausage, egg, and cheese mcgriddle with an orange juice and a chicken biscuit and a hashbrown with apple juice. That's all" A sexy voice asked. I could feel myself getting wet just my her talking. That voice put me in a trance.

You have a girlfriend...

You have a girlfriend...

I tried to remind myself but it wasn't really working. I put her order in and the total popped up.

"Your total is $7.58" I spoke and lifted my head to finally look at her.

My breath caught in my throat.

Is it really her?

"Jasmine?" She spoke softly her eyes beginning to water.

I couldn't breath at all. Then I remembered my job and people in line. All of these feelings began to attack me, the strongest being anger from her leaving.

"Your total is $7.58" I spoke again in monotone, refusing to look at her. My heart is pounding in my chest from being in the same place as her. She looks so good. So fucking good. I noticed a girl next to her, looking at me strange. Her stare was really beginning to annoy me.

My attitude got the best of me.

"What are you looking at?" I spoke slowly but loud enough for both of them to hear me.

"Are you to take her money or just sit there looking dumb?" She snapped back. I heard Kay snicker at me. I casted a glare at her and she shut up quickly.

I took a deep breath to not jump over his counter to strangle her.

I looked at Kiara's hand and snatched the money. My hand accidentally sliding across hers as I took it. I looked up at her at the same time to see she was already looking at me. Ignoring the tingling in the tips of my fingers, I gave her back her change.

"New girlfriend?" I asked coldly. Although I shouldn't really be jealous because I have one too but still. The thought of her finding someone else without even giving me a chance made my blood boil. I wanted to just jump over the counter and snap this girls neck.

"Mind your damn business" the bitch barked at me.

"I will-" I began but was cut off by Kiara. I'm glad she stopped it because I would've definitely lost my job for fucking this girl up.

"Go to the car Rocky" she ordered sternly in a tone that suggested she wasn't up for an argument. I smirked to myself. The girl just glared at me and walked out.

"Sorry about her" Kiara stated, smiling at me.

"You didn't answer my question" I deadpanned. I just needed to know if she moved on from me.

"Yes" she spoke lowly. I felt my heart cracking into two. She really..moved on.. I felt my mood worsen and I just completely shut down.

One of my co workers handed me her food and I gave it to her.

"Have a nice day" I spoke looking down from her face. I couldn't look at her anymore. It pained me to know she moved on. I may sound like a hypocrite but I am still head over heels for her. I would take her back in a heartbeat if she wanted me. I would feel like shit for doing that to Angela but I can't help my feelings. I need her back.

She didn't move for a moment. Then she pulled a napkin out from the bag and took a pen from my shirt pocket. She then gave the pen back and slid a paper in my hands. It was her number...

604-2981 Let's get together Sometime :)

Then walked out. I let out a breath of air and look towards Kay. She was staring at me already with a worried expression.

I just mouthed to her.

'That was her'

She seemed to understand because she nodded and looked away.

"We will talk later." She whispered before getting back to work.


A/N: thanks for reading huns❤️ As always Vote and Comment.

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