The Trip (Part 1)

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Mary's P.O.V

"Can't believe this, Kurt! I have been in Aberdeen for only 3 months and I feel like I've been living here my whole life!" I told Kurt while walking together in the school.

Nothing much changed in the past months, only that me, Kurt, Dave and Krist became best friends and we spent together most of our time. Kurt and me wrote some new songs together and the spring holiday is almost here.

"See, it isn't as bad as it first seems, though, it's kinda rainy here." Kurt answered laughing.

"Got any plans for the holiday?" I asked Kurt.

"Nope. What about you?" he answered looking at me.

"Well, me and my mother are going to visit dad in Seattle and you're welcome to come with us." I answered hoping that he will come.

"Sure! Thanks. Anyway, I don't have anything better to do." He answered.

I smiled and walked in the classroom.

(1 week later)

"Kurt, are you done yet? " I asked him.

"Almost there. Wait a minute." He answered while coming downstairs with a box filled with clothes. "So are you sure your mother allowed me to come with you?" he asked.

"Yep." I answered quick. "Can I use your phone to call home please? " I asked hopefully.

"Sure." He answered pointing to the phone.

I dialed quickly the phone number from home and mom answered.

"Hey, mum. Now I'll come with Kurt home. We'll be there in about 10 minutes." I said as she picked up.

"Okay, sweetie. I'll wait for you two." she said and hung up.

I returned to the living room where Kurt was looking for his keys.

"Can we go?" I asked Kurt. He nodded.

After walking about 10 minutes we arrived at my house.

"Hello!" Kurt said politely as he walked in my house.

"Hi! You must be Kurt, right?" mom said smiling.

"Yes, that's me!" he answered laughing.

Mom looked at me and said: "Okay, here we go. In about four hours we will be in Seattle. First we'll go to see your father, Mary, than I will let you two walk around the city and spend some time together."

We went outside where mom asked us to get in the back seats of the car. After four boring hours of driving we finally arrived in Seattle.
As mom said earlier, we visited my dad and then all of us went to a hotel in the city center.

"Me and your father are going to have dinner tonight in town. Do you two want to come?" mom asked looking at me and Kurt. We both shook our heads and mom left the room key and some money in case we want to go out for a walk.

As they walked out of the room, I jumped off my bed and asked: "Soo, what now? What are we going to do?" Kurt just watched at me.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" he replied with the same question.

"I dunno. Maybe we can write some songs?" I said as I sit down next to him.

"Sure. But we don't have a guitar..."

"Who said that we don't?" I grinned as I took out the guitar I received from him 3 months ago for my birthday.

He grinned and picked up the guitar and start playing some notes.

"Got any lyrics there?" he asked as he looked in my notebook.

"Not yet, but..." I stopped.

I made a sign to Kurt to keep quiet. I heard a bell outside our door and then a knock. Kurt told me with signs to let him open the door. "Who can it be at this hour?" I wondered. It was almost midnight.

Kurt made his way to the door and unlocked it slowly. Once he opened it, I heard a laugh and I went to see what's going on. I saw Dave and Krist.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" I asked laughing while Dave gave me a quick hug.

"Well, it's kinda funny, you see. We came here to spend the holiday and I found a wallet in the hall way and we decided to go from door to door to see whose wallet is." Krist said waving a wallet.

"And we came to this room and here you are! Now, your turn. What are you two up to here?" Dave continued laughing.

"Well, I came here with Mary's mom, and she came to visit Mary's dad, you see?" Kurt explained as I invited all of them in. "And since when do you search for the owners of the lost wallets?" Kurt asked as he turned to Krist. We all laughed and started thinking about some lyrics, until my parents came back. They met the boys too and we decided to meet tomorrow again, in Dave's hotel room.

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