54. I Wonder Player

Start from the beginning

Matt that was her son that she lost to, I said. " I know," He said. She's always with you and Im sure she's proud of you, I said. He let out a small laugh. " I hope she's not with me 24/7 because in her book, this what we're doing right now is a big no no, " He said. "In dads he's cool with it, but in hers big no, " He said laughing. I laughed. "I guess we should go It's getting too dark," he said. Okay, I said. He put his arm around me and walk down the hill. We got back to the house about 15 minutes later. "Oh thank God, your okay, Matt's grandma said. "I was fine," Matt said. "Im sorry for upseting you," His grandma said. "I dont want to talk about my parent's room or what had happened, I am going to get a shower and go to bed," Matt said.

"Jane I'll walk you out," Matt said. Okay, I said. I look over a Mason "Thank you," He mouthed. I shook my head up and down. We get to my car. "I'll see you tomorrow,okay" He said. Okay, I said. "how about we go to lunch tomorrow and then head back to the school?" He ask. Yeah sounds good, I said. He kissed me very passionate. He moved my hair back. "I dont want to ever loose you," He said. Im not going anywhere, I said. he kissed my head,then open my door for me and then went in.













"Dude we saw you out with Jane for lunch." "Are yall dating?" Marco and Joe ask. I laughed. No were just friends, I said. "So Joe are you getting a hotel room for tomorrow night?" Marco ask Joe. "Oh yeah already booked it," Joe said. "I know, I booked for one too," Marco said. "So have you got a room?" Joe ask me. Um no, I said. "Well dont you have a date to prom?" He ask. Yes, I said. "Well then why dont you have a room?" Marco ask. Because clearly I have more respect for girls than you guys, I said. See you guys, I said. I walk down stairs to the gym floor. "Oh hey Matt I forgot to tell you I got a hotel for tomorrow night," Mason said. Oh not you too, I said. "What I figered if me and Greenlee did anything you wouldnt want it in the house and besides you'll be with Jane," He said.

Me and Jane dont have sex, if you want the house to yourself I will get a room, I said. "No we'll just get the room," he said. "Is sex all you guys talk about?" Jane ask. Yes, Me and Mason said at the same time. "My God read a Cosmo, Seriously," Jane said walking away. me and Mason laughed. Well okay, I said. Hey Jane wait up, I said fast walking to her. " Yeah,?" She ask. So Mason and Greenlee are going to get a room which means I get the whole house to myself. Soooo I was wondering if you want to stay with me tomorrow night? I ask. she was trying to fix some stuff on tables. "Um yeah, sure," She said with a smile. I smiled and then went to go help finish puting up the eiffel tower.











"Jane can i please go home now?" Joe ask. Have you finished your job? I ask. "Yes," He said. And do you see everyone else done? I ask. "No," He said. Then no, I said. "Why?" He ask. Because if everyone would help each other we would get out of here faster, I said. "Ugh," He said. I smiled evily. Actully I need to to test them lights on the basketball goal, I said. He look at me then turns around and walks away. "Someone find me the damn light swich that turn on the lights on the basketball goal," He yelled. There was two swiches I have the main one and if the main one dont work neather with the other so I turned mine off.

He was up trying to get them to work and Matt came up and stood beside me. "What are you doing?" He ask. Messing with Joe, watch this, I said. I turned mine on and it turned the lights on. Joe turned and look at me. "There Jane you happy?' He ask. About what the lights arn't on, I said. He turned to look back at them. "They were just on," He said. Matt look at me. "Jane," He said laughing. He work on it for about 5 more minutes. turn it on when I move my left arm and turn it off when I move my right, I said to Matt. He laughed. "Okay," He said.

"Jane it's just not working," Joe said. Here let me try, I said as I moved my left arm. It's fine see, I said and the turned off. Here try it. I moved my right arm. "What the hell!" He yelled as it didnt work when he tryed it. Must be you, I said. "Can I please go home?" he ask. Yeah, I said laughing. "Jane your so mean to him," Matt said. He's just so easy I said. "Yeah tell me about it," He said. I look at him. Can you not think about sex for 5 minutes, I ask. "Im sorry that asll people are talking about because it's prom, Cant people just go to prom and then go home without having sex, I mean really," He said really fast.

Damn, I mouthed. Okay guys listen up, I yelled. Everything looks really great, I believe we're done dont yall? I ask. The all said yes. Alright well lets go home, I said. I got to my car and Matt walk me too it. "I'll see you tomorrow," He said. Yep, I said. He looked around and then kissed me as he pressed me up againt the car. If you dont want to go to prom because of everyone talking about what they're doing after, thats fine I will just come by your house when it's over. "Are you kidding Of course Im going to prom with you, nothing going to stop that," He said. I smiled. Okay, I said. He smiled. bye Matt, I said as I got into my car. He started up his motorcycle and left.






Hey guys prom is the next chapter... Hope you like it :))

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