Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

   I bite my lip, and just stare at my brother.  Unsure of how to respond.  He seems excited, and I'm happy for him..  But he's my best friend..  I don't want him to leave again..  And how long will he be gone this time?

   I mean, I hope he does well...  But I wasn't prepared for this.  I was only expecting Sky to go away for a while, but now Colton too?

   He's watching me, trying to read my eyes.  I'm so confused though, I don't think even he, who can usually read my mind, can tell how I'm feeling..

   "Jenny?"  He looks down at me, looking concerned.

   "Huh?  Sorry..  I'm really happy for you!"  I try to sound enthusiastic, but even I can tell my voice isn't reaching where I want it to be.

   "I'll only be gone for a little while...  And you can even come visit for a bit if we're gone for too long.."

   I feel the familiar salty liquid briming in my eyes, I'm not going to cry.  I need to be happy.

   "Heyyy, don't cry!  It'll be okay.."  He wipes away a single tear that fell from my eye.

   "I'm sorry..  It was just unexpected..  I'll be okay.."  I rub my eyes, then smile, trying to show that I really am okay.

   "You sure?  I uhm..  I don't have to go.."

   "No!  Go!  I'll be okay, I promise!"  I smile and genuine as I can, and I guess he bought it, because he smiles back at me and then turns to place a few slices of bacon onto the skiddle.

   I sit at the counter, just watching Colton make breakfast, and listening to him sing while he does it.

   "Good Morning!"  I hear Schyler's voice ring through the room, right before she leans down and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

   "Morning!  And congratulations on your audition!"  I smile, for real this time, towards my sister.

   "Thanks babe!  So I guess Colton told you everything from yesterday?"

   "Yeaa, I'm happy for both of you!"

   "Good!"  Sky sits down at the stool next to me, and we both just watch as Colton makes breakfast.

   "So who'd you have over last night?  Somebody's in the guest room..  Don't you and your friends usually just sleep on your bedroom floor?"

   "Oh, Jessabelle was over last night"  I answer while biting into an apple.

   "Why was she here?"  Schyler looks at me with her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

   "Why does everyone think it's so wierd for her to be here?!  She came over and we ate chinese food and watched movies.  Jeez.."  I laugh through my answer.

   "I just didn't know you guys were close, or friends or anything..  I thought you said you were going to a friends house?"

   "I was going to.. but Jessa just kind of walked in with Chinese food..  She didn't even say she was coming..."  I shrug, taking another bite of my apple, making the juice dribble down my chin.

   "Oh, okay..  I'm glad you weren't alone!"  She reaches across the table and grabs an apple from the bowl on the counter, looks at it, then puts it back..  She does that alot.

   "Where's mom and dad?"  I switch my spot looking between Sky and Colton.

   "They decided to stay in a hotel last night, they're gunna get a cab home later.."  Colton answers while placing my breakfast plate in front of me.  "Eat up!"  He grins his huge smile.

   I roll my eyes at him looking at my plate filled with TOO MUCH food.  "There's no way I'm eating all of this Colton..  I already ate a bowl of cereal before I woke you up.."

   "Then just eat as much as you can..  Pleaaseee!  I made it just for you!"  He makes a pouty sad face sticking up his bottom lip.

   "I'll eat until I'm full."  I nod my head with assurance.

   I take slow bites, chewing each with care.  I eat a little less that half of what's on my face.  So one pancake and two slices of bacon.

   "Goooooood Morningg!"  Jessa's voice rings from the hallway, leading into the kitchen.  "Oh!  Sky!  Tell me EVERYTHING that happened yesterday!"  She rushes towards Schylar and they walk out to the backyard together.

   "So you're sure you're going to be okay with us leaving?  I mean both of us?" Colton looks at me with concern clear in his eyes

   "Yes!  I'm fine!"  I smile up at my brother.



Authors Note:

   Hey guys!  I'm so tired right now it's ridiculous..  And did you know it's apparently possible for you to get over tired from sleeping too much?!  Yea, I learned that today!

   OMG DOES ANYONE WATCH SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE?!  My babe Nico got sent home tonight.  He was so upset, it hurt to see him like that..

   I'm so upset.. LIZZY hurt her knee, and now she can't dance :(  It's been so long since I had my Best Friend as a partner, Everyone please pray for her to feel better, it would be appreciated <3

   Okay, ANYWHOOO, Thanks for reading mah loves!! ;*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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